184.359. Reduction of tax rate (roll back) by reassessment--restoration of, tax rate in whole or in part, procedures, election, ballot form--restored tax rate effective when.
Reduction of tax rate (roll back) by reassessment--restoration of, taxrate in whole or in part, procedures, election, ballot form--restoredtax rate effective when.
184.359. 1. Notwithstanding any of the provisions ofchapter 137, RSMo, the board of directors of any metropolitanzoological park and museum district, as established according tothe provisions of sections 184.350 to 184.384, on behalf of suchdistrict, may request the election officials of any city andcounty containing all or part of such district to submit to thequalified voters of such district at any municipal, special,primary or general election or elections a referendum orreferendums to permit or restore, in part, or, in whole, the taxrate or rates authorized for any subdistrict of such districtfrom time to time under the provisions of sections 184.350 to184.384.
2. Such proposal or proposals shall be submitted to thevoters in substantially the following form at such election orelections:
Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum Districtof the City of .......... and the County of .......... beauthorized to increase the tax rate for the ..........Subdistrict to .......... cents on each $100 of assessedvaluation of taxable property within the District? This tax rateshall replace the present tax rate of .......... for the.......... Subdistrict.
â ã YES â ã NO
3. The proposed tax rate shall not exceed the maximum taxrate authorized by the voters from time to time pursuant tosections 184.350 to 184.384, prior to reduction or reductions insuch rate following any reassessment pursuant to chapter 137,RSMo.
4. In the event that a majority of the voters votingthereon in such city and a majority of the voters voting thereonin such county cast votes in favor of the proposal or proposals,then the tax rate or rates for such subdistrict or subdistrictsshall be deemed in full force and effect as of the first day ofthe second month following the election. The results of theelection shall be certified by the election officials of suchcity and county, respectively, to such district not less thanthirty days after the day of the election. The cost of theelection shall be paid as provided by sections 115.063 and115.065, RSMo. In the event any proposal shall fail to receive amajority of the "YES" votes in either the city or the county,then such proposal shall not be resubmitted at any election heldwithin one year of the date of the election on which suchproposal was rejected.
5. Such proposal or proposals to the qualified voters ofthe district may be submitted by a verified resolution of thedistrict board of directors to the respective election officialsof the city and county wherein the district is located.
(L. 1989 H.B. 116, et al.)