184.357. Zoological park--art museum and botanical garden--increase in tax rate, procedure, ballot form.
Zoological park--art museum and botanical garden--increase in taxrate, procedure, ballot form.
184.357. 1. The board of directors of any metropolitan zoologicalpark and museum district as established pursuant to the provisions ofsections 184.350 to 184.384, on behalf of the district, may request theelection officials of any city and county of such district to submit aproposition or propositions to increase the tax rate for the zoologicalpark subdistrict and the art museum subdistrict set in section 184.350 andto increase the rate for the botanical garden subdistrict set in section184.353 to the qualified voters of such district at any general, primary orspecial election. Such election officials, upon receipt of such request inthe form of a verified resolution or resolutions approved by the majorityof the members of such district board of directors, shall set the date ofsuch election and give notice of such election as provided by sections115.063 and 115.065, RSMo.
2. Such proposition or propositions shall be jointly or severallysubmitted to the voters in substantially the following form at suchelection:
(1) Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of theCity of .......... and County of ............ be authorized to increase thetax rate for the zoological park subdistrict up to the maximum tax rate ofeight cents, or any percent thereof, on each $100 of assessed valuation oftaxable property within the district for the purpose of operating,maintaining and otherwise financially supporting the subdistrict? The taxrate shall be set annually by the board based on the budget submitted bythe zoological park subdistrict and approved by the board. This tax rateshall replace the present tax rate of ...... cents for the zoological parksubdistrict.
â ã YES â ã NO
(2) Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of theCity of .......... and County of .......... be authorized to increase thetax rate for the art museum subdistrict up to the maximum tax rate of eightcents, or any percent thereof, on each $100 of assessed valuation oftaxable property within the district for the purpose of operating,maintaining and otherwise financially supporting the subdistrict andapproved by the board? The tax rate shall be set annually by the boardbased on the budget submitted by the art museum subdistrict and approved bythe board. This tax rate shall replace the present tax rate of ......cents for the art museum subdistrict.
â ã YES â ã NO
(3) Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of theCity of .......... and County of .......... be authorized to increase thetax rate for the botanical garden subdistrict up to the maximum tax rate ofsix cents, or any percent thereof, on each $100 of assessed valuation oftaxable property within the district for the purpose of operating,maintaining and otherwise financially supporting the subdistrict andapproved by the board? The tax rate shall be set annually by the boardbased on the budget submitted by the botanical garden subdistrict andapproved by the board. This tax rate shall replace the present tax rate of...... cents for the botanical garden subdistrict.
â ã YES â ã NO
(4) Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of theCity of .............. and County of ........... be authorized to increasethe tax rate for the Missouri history museum subdistrict up to the maximumtax rate of six cents, or any percent thereof, on each $100 of assessedvaluation of taxable property within the district for the purpose ofoperating, maintaining, and otherwise financially supporting thesubdistrict and approved by the board? The tax rate shall be set annuallyby the board based on the budget submitted by the Missouri history museumsubdistrict and approved by the board. This tax rate shall replace thepresent tax rate of ....... cents for the Missouri history museumsubdistrict.
â ã YES â ã NO
In the event that a majority of the voters voting on such proposition orpropositions in such city and the majority of the voters voting on suchproposition or propositions in such county cast votes "YES" on theproposition or propositions, then the tax rate for such subdistrict shallbe deemed in full force and effect as of the first day of the second monthfollowing the election. The results of the aforesaid election shall becertified by the election officials of such city and county, respectively,to the respective chief executive officers of such city and county not lessthan thirty days after the day on which such election was held. The costof the election shall be paid as provided by sections 115.063 and 115.065,RSMo. In the event the proposition or propositions shall fail to receive amajority of the votes "YES" in either the city or the county, then theproposition or propositions shall not be resubmitted at any election heldwithin one year of the date of the election the proposition or propositionswere rejected.
(L. 1981 H.B. 400 & 568, A.L. 1982 S.B. 711, A.L. 1984 S.B. 628, A.L. 1989 H.B. 116, et al., A.L. 2005 H.B. 186)