184.354. District board, appointment, terms, qualifications, officers, rules and bylaws.
District board, appointment, terms, qualifications, officers,rules and bylaws.
184.354. When in any city and county as described in section184.350 it shall have been decided by vote in the manner providedin section 184.350 that a tax shall be levied for any of theaforesaid described subdistricts, then the chief executiveofficer of the city shall appoint four members to themetropolitan zoological park and museum district board, and thechief executive officer of the county shall appoint four membersto the metropolitan zoological park and museum district board.Said board members shall serve without compensation for a term offour years and until their successors are appointed andqualified; provided, however, that of the initial appointments byeach of said chief executives one shall be for a term of oneyear, one shall be for a term of two years, one for a term ofthree years, and one shall be for a four year term respectively.Any vacancy shall be filled by the chief executive officer forthe unexpired term. Each member appointed by the chief executiveofficer of the city shall have been a qualified voter of the cityfor at least one year next before his appointment and shallcontinue to reside therein during his tenure in office. Eachmember appointed by the chief executive officer of the countyshall have been a qualified voter of the county for at least oneyear next before his appointment and shall continue to residetherein during his tenure in office. The legislative body of theconstitutional charter city upon the petition of the chiefexecutive officer of such city may remove any member appointed bysaid chief executive officer of that board for misconduct orneglect of duties and the legislative body of the county may uponpetition of the chief executive officer of the county may removeany member appointed by him of the board for misconduct orneglect of duties. No member so removed shall be eligible forappointment to said district board thereafter. The board shallelect its own chairman, secretary and such other officers that itdeems necessary and expedient and it may make such rules,regulations and bylaws to effectuate its purposes it deemsnecessary.
(L. 1969 3d Ex. Sess. H.B. 23 § 3)