184.353. Botanical garden--transport museum--Missouri history museum--symphony orchestra and recreational and amateur sports subdistricts, formation--election, ballot forms, tax rate--admission fees--
Botanical garden--transport museum--Missouri history museum--symphonyorchestra and recreational and amateur sports subdistricts,formation--election, ballot forms, tax rate--admissionfees--metropolitan zoological park and museum district, electionto provide for an African-American history museum, ballot forms,tax rate.
184.353. 1. (1) The board of directors of any metropolitan zoologicalpark and museum district, as established according to the provisions ofsections 184.350 to 184.384, on behalf of the district may request theelection officials of any city and county containing all or part of suchdistrict to submit the following described proposition to the qualified votersof such district at any general, primary or special election. Such electionofficials shall give legal notice at least sixty days prior to such general,primary or special election in at least two newspapers that such propositionshall be submitted at any general, primary or special election held forsubmission of the proposition.
(2) Such proposition shall be submitted to the voters in substantiallythe following form at such election:
Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of the City of............ and County of ............ be authorized to provide for aBotanical Garden Subdistrict and be authorized to provide the Botanical GardenSubdistrict with a tax rate not in excess of four cents on each $100 ofassessed valuation of taxable property within the district?
â ã YES â ã NO
(3) In the event that a majority of all the voters voting on suchproposition in such city and a majority of voters voting on such propositionin such county cast "YES" votes on the proposition, then the botanical gardensubdistrict shall be deemed established and the tax rate, as established bythe board for such subdistrict, shall be deemed in full force and effect as ofthe first day of the second month following the election. The results of theelection shall be certified by the election officials of such city and county,respectively, to the respective chief executive officers of such city andcounty not less than thirty days after the day of the election. The cost ofthe election shall be paid as provided by sections 115.063 and 115.065, RSMo.In the event the proposition shall fail to receive a majority of the "YES"votes in either the city or the county, then the proposition shall not beresubmitted at any election held prior to the next general or primary electionin such city or county in the following year. Any such resubmission shallsubsequently comply with the provisions of sections 184.350 to 184.384.
(4) If the botanical garden subdistrict shall be established, then itscommissioners, or any person with whom its commissioners contract, mayestablish and charge fees for admission to the premises of the botanicalgarden subdistrict, or to the premises of any person with whom itscommissioners contract, not to exceed one dollar for adults and fifty centsfor children under sixteen years of age. Any increase in the fees shall bepresented prior to implementation for approval or disapproval to the board ofthe metropolitan zoological park and museum district of which the botanicalgarden subdistrict is a member.
2. (1) The board of directors of any metropolitan zoological park andmuseum district, as established according to the provisions of sections184.350 to 184.384, on behalf of the district may request the electionofficials of any city and county containing all or part of such district tosubmit the following described proposition to the qualified voters of suchdistrict at any general, primary or special election. Such election officialsshall give legal notice at least sixty days prior to such general, primary orspecial election in at least two newspapers that such proposition shall besubmitted at any general, primary or special election held for submission ofthe proposition.
(2) Such proposition shall be submitted to the voters in substantiallythe following form at such election:
Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of the City of............ and County of ............ be authorized to provide for aTransport Museum Subdistrict and be authorized to provide the Transport MuseumSubdistrict with a tax rate not in excess of four cents on each $100 ofassessed valuation of taxable property within the district?
â ã YES â ã NO
(3) In the event that a majority of all the voters voting on suchproposition in such city and a majority of voters voting on such propositionin such county cast "YES" votes on the proposition, then the transport museumsubdistrict shall be deemed established and the tax rate, as established bythe board for such subdistrict, shall be deemed in full force and effect as ofthe first day of the second month following the election. The results of theelection shall be certified by the election officials of such city and county,respectively, to the respective chief executive officers of such city andcounty not less than thirty days after the day of the election. The cost ofthe election shall be paid as provided by sections 115.063 and 115.065, RSMo.In the event the proposition shall fail to receive a majority of the "YES"votes in either the city or the county, then the proposition shall not beresubmitted at any election held prior to the next general or primary electionin such city or county in the following year. Any such resubmission shallsubsequently comply with the provisions of sections 184.350 to 184.384.
(4) If the transport museum subdistrict shall be established, then itscommissioners, or any person with whom its commissioners contract, mayestablish and charge fees for admission to the premises of the transportmuseum subdistrict, or to the premises of any person with whom itscommissioners contract, not to exceed one dollar for adults and fifty centsfor children under sixteen years of age. Any increase in the fees shall bepresented prior to implementation for approval or disapproval to the board ofthe metropolitan zoological park and museum district of which the transportmuseum subdistrict is a member.
3. (1) The board of directors of any metropolitan zoological park andmuseum district, as established according to the provisions of sections184.350 to 184.384, on behalf of the district may request the electionofficials of any city and county containing all or part of such district tosubmit the following described proposition to the qualified voters of suchdistrict at any general, primary or special election. Such election officialsshall give legal notice at least sixty days prior to such general, primary orspecial election in at least two newspapers that such proposition shall besubmitted at any general, primary or special election held for submission ofthe proposition.
(2) Such proposition shall be submitted to the voters in substantiallythe following form at such election:
Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of the City of............ and the County of ............ be authorized to provide for aMissouri History Museum Subdistrict and be authorized to provide the MissouriHistory Museum Subdistrict with a tax rate not in excess of four cents on each$100 of assessed valuation of taxable property within the district?
â ã YES â ã NO
(3) In the event that a majority of all the voters voting on suchproposition in such city and a majority of voters voting on such propositionin such county cast "YES" votes on the proposition, then the Missouri historymuseum subdistrict shall be deemed established and the tax rate, asestablished by the board for such subdistrict, shall be deemed in full forceand effect as of the first day of the second month following the election.The results of the election shall be certified by the election officials ofsuch city and county, respectively, to the respective chief executive officersof such city and county not less than thirty days after the day of theelection. The cost of the election shall be paid as provided by sections115.063 and 115.065, RSMo. In the event the proposition shall fail to receivea majority of the "YES" votes in either the city or the county, then theproposition shall not be resubmitted at any election held prior to the nextgeneral or primary or special election in such city or county in the followingyear. Any such resubmission shall subsequently comply with the provisions ofsections 184.350 to 184.384.
4. (1) The board of directors of any metropolitan zoological park andmuseum district, as established according to the provisions of sections184.350 to 184.354, on behalf of the district may request the electionofficials of any city and county containing all or part of such district tosubmit the following described proposition to the qualified voters of suchdistrict at any general, primary or special election. Such election officialsshall give legal notice at least sixty days prior to such general, primary orspecial election in at least two newspapers that such proposition shall besubmitted at any general, primary or special election held for submission ofthe proposition.
(2) Such proposition shall be submitted to the voters in substantiallythe following form at such election:
Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of the City of............ and County of ............ be authorized to provide for aSymphony Orchestra Subdistrict and be authorized to provide the SymphonyOrchestra Subdistrict with a tax rate not in excess of four cents on each $100of assessed valuation of taxable property within the district?
â ã YES â ã NO
(3) In the event that a majority of all the voters voting on suchproposition in such city and a majority of voters voting on such propositionin such county cast "YES" votes on the proposition, then the symphonyorchestra subdistrict shall be deemed established and the tax rate, asestablished by the board for such subdistrict, shall be deemed in full forceand effect as of the first day of the second month following the election.The results of the election shall be certified by the election officials ofsuch city and county not less than thirty days after the day of election. Thecost of the election shall be paid as provided by sections 115.063 and115.065, RSMo. In the event the proposition shall fail to receive a majorityof the "YES" votes in either the city or the county, then the propositionshall not be resubmitted at any election held prior to the next general orprimary in such city or county in the following year. Any such resubmissionshall subsequently comply with the provisions of sections 184.350 to 184.384.
(4) If the symphony orchestra subdistrict shall be established, then itscommissioners, or any person with whom its commissioners contract, may chargesuch prices from time to time for tickets for performances conducted under theauspices of the subdistrict or as they or such person deem proper; provided,however, that no fewer than fifty tickets for each such performance conductedat the principal concert hall of such subdistrict or such person shall be madeavailable without charge for distribution to members of the general public andno fewer than fifty tickets shall be made available without charge fordistribution to students in public and private elementary, secondary schoolsand colleges and universities in the metropolitan zoological park and museumdistrict and all performances of the symphony orchestra conducted at theprincipal concert hall of the symphony orchestra within the district shall beoffered for broadcast live on a public or commercial AM or FM radio stationlocated in and generally receivable in the district or on a public orcommercial broadcast television station located in or generally receivable inthe district. The symphony orchestra subdistrict shall institute a fullystaffed educational music appreciation program to benefit all of the citizensof the taxing district at a nominal charge.
(5) Immediately following the effective date of the symphony orchestrasubdistrict tax rate any person receiving funds from said tax rate shallbecome ineligible for program assistance funding from the Missouri statecouncil on the arts.
5. The board of directors of any metropolitan zoological park and museumdistrict, as established according to the provisions of sections 184.350 to184.384, on behalf of the district may request the election officials of anycity and county containing all or part of such district to submit thefollowing described proposition to the qualified voters of such district atany general, primary or special election. Such election officials shall givelegal notice at least sixty days prior to such general, primary or specialelection in at least two newspapers that such proposition shall be submittedat any general, primary or special election held for submission of theproposition. Such proposition shall be submitted to the voters insubstantially the following form at such election:
Shall a Recreational and Amateur Sports Subdistrict be authorized andprovided for by the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of theCity of ................ and the County of .................. and suchsubdistrict be authorized to establish a tax rate not in excess of four centson each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property within the district fora period not to exceed nine years?
â ã YES â ã NO
In the event that a majority of all the voters voting on such proposition insuch city and a majority of voters voting on such proposition in such countycast "YES" votes on the proposition, then the recreation and amateur sportssubdistrict shall be deemed established and the tax rate, as established bythe board for such subdistrict, shall be deemed in full force and effect as ofthe first day of the second month following the election for a period not toexceed nine years. The results of the election shall be certified by theelection officials of such city and county, respectively, to the respectivechief executive officers of such city and county not less than thirty daysafter the day of the election. The cost of the election shall be paid asprovided by sections 115.063 and 115.065, RSMo. In the event the propositionshall fail to receive a majority of the "YES" votes in either the city or thecounty, then the proposition shall not be resubmitted at any election heldprior to the next general or primary or special election in such city orcounty in the following year. Any such resubmission shall subsequently complywith the provisions of sections 184.350 to 184.384.
6. (1) The board of directors of any metropolitan zoological park andmuseum district, as established according to the provisions of sections184.350 to 184.384, on behalf of the district may request the electionofficials of any city and county containing all or part of such district tosubmit the following described proposition to the qualified voters of suchdistrict at any general, primary or special election. Such election officialsshall give legal notice at least sixty days prior to such general, primary orspecial election in at least two newspapers that such proposition shall besubmitted at any general, primary or special election held for submission ofthe proposition.
(2) Such proposition shall be submitted to the voters in substantiallythe following form at such election:
Shall the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District of the City of............ and County of ............ be authorized to provide for anAfrican-American History Museum and Cultural Subdistrict and be authorized toprovide the African-American history museum and cultural subdistrict with atax rate not in excess of four cents on each $100 of assessed valuation oftaxable property within the district?
â ã YES â ã NO
(3) In the event that a majority of all the voters voting on suchproposition in such city and a majority of voters voting on such propositionin such county cast "YES" votes on the proposition, then the African-Americanhistory museum and cultural subdistrict shall be deemed established and thetax rate, as established by the board for such subdistrict, shall be deemed infull force and effect as of the first day of the second month following theelection. The results of the election shall be certified by the electionofficials of such city and county, respectively, to the respective chiefexecutive officers of such city and county not less than thirty days after theday of the election. The cost of the election shall be paid as provided bysections 115.063 and 115.065, RSMo. In the event the proposition shall failto receive a majority of the "YES" votes in either the city or the county,then the proposition shall not be resubmitted at any election held prior tothe next general or primary election in such city or county in the followingyear. Any such resubmission shall subsequently comply with the provisions ofsections 184.350 to 184.384.
(4) If the African-American history museum and cultural subdistrictshall be established, then its commissioners, or any person with whom itscommissioners contract, may establish and charge fees for admission to thepremises of the African-American history museum and cultural subdistrict, orto the premises of any person with whom its commissioners contract, not toexceed one dollar for adults and fifty cents for children under sixteen yearsof age. Any increase in the fees shall be presented prior to implementationfor approval or disapproval to the board of the metropolitan zoological parkand museum district of which the African-American history museum and culturalsubdistrict is a member.
(L. 1981 S.B. 48, A.L. 1982 S.B. 711, A.L. 1984 S.B. 628, A.L. 1985 S.B. 32, A.L. 1989 H.B. 116, et al., A.L. 1990 S.B. 525, A.L. 2005 H.B. 186)