184.112. Title to undocumented property to museum, when--acquisition of title notice, content.
Title to undocumented property to museum, when--acquisition oftitle notice, content.
184.112. 1. A museum may acquire title to undocumentedproperty in the custody of the museum for at least seven yearsif, during that time, the museum received no valid claim orwritten contact from any person, as evidenced in the museum'srecords, by giving notice of acquisition of title to undocumentedproperty under this section.
2. A notice of acquisition of title shall include astatement containing substantially the following information:
"The records of ................... (name of museum) do notindicate the owner of record of certain property in itspossession. The museum intends to acquire title to the propertydescribed below: ............................................(general description of the property). If you claim ownership orother legal interest in this property you must contact the museumin writing, establish your ownership of the property, and makearrangements to collect the property. If you fail to makewritten contact within ninety days after the date of this notice,you will be considered to have waived any claim you may have tothe property."
3. If a person does not respond to the notice ofacquisition of title to undocumented property within ninety daysafter the date of the last notice by filing a notice of intent topreserve an interest in property on loan, the museum's title tothe property shall become incontestable under section 184.116.
(L. 1991 S.B. 344 § 7)Effective 12-31-91