184.111. Termination of loan by museum may be made, when--procedure--lender failure to respond to notice, property deemed donated to museum, when.
Termination of loan by museum may be made, when--procedure--lenderfailure to respond to notice, property deemed donated to museum,when.
184.111. 1. A museum may give the lender or claimantnotice of the museum's intent to terminate a loan of property atany time after:
(1) The date on which the property was loaned to the museumfor an indefinite term, if the property has been in the custodyof the museum for at least seven years and, during that time, themuseum received no written contact from the lender concerning theloaned property, as evidenced in the museum's records; or
(2) The date on which a loan of property for a specifiedtime expired, if the property has been in the custody of themuseum for at least seven years.
2. A notice of intent to terminate a loan shall include astatement containing substantially the following information:
"The records of ................ (name of museum) indicatethat you have property on loan to it. The museum wishes toterminate the loan. You must contact the museum in writing,establish your ownership of the property, and make arrangementsto collect the property. If you fail to do so within ninety daysafter the date of this notice, you will be considered to havedonated the property to the museum."
3. If the lender or claimant does not respond to the noticeof intent to terminate provided by the museum under this sectionwithin ninety days after the date of the last notice by filingwith the museum a notice of intent to preserve interest in loanedproperty, the museum shall acquire title to the property.
(L. 1991 S.B. 344 § 6)Effective 12-31-91