182.707. Board of trustees, appointment, qualifications, terms, vacancies, expenses, officers how selected--meetings--majority vote of full board required when--librarian powers and duties--staff.
Board of trustees, appointment, qualifications, terms, vacancies,expenses, officers how selected--meetings--majority vote of full boardrequired when--librarian powers and duties--staff.
182.707. 1. An urban public library district created under theprovisions of sections 182.701 to 182.723 shall be governed by a board oftrustees which shall consist of nine members. The initial board oftrustees shall be appointed by the board of directors of the nine directorurban school district, no later than fifteen business days following anelection approving creation of an urban public library district. The newboard of trustees shall meet and organize within ten days of appointment,or as soon after as reasonably practicable. After the initialappointments, successor trustees shall be appointed by the mayors of thethree cities in which the greatest portion of the geographic area of thenew urban public library district is located. Seven trustees shall beappointed by the mayor of the city in which the greatest percentage of thegeographic area served is located. The mayor of each of the other twocities shall be entitled to appoint one member of the board of trustees.The mayor of the city comprising the third largest geographic area shall beauthorized to appoint one board member two years following the initialappointment. The mayor of the city serving the second largest geographicarea shall be authorized to appoint one member four years after the initialappointment.
2. Of the nine members initially appointed to the board of trusteespursuant to subsection 1 of this section, two shall serve for two years,three shall serve for three years and four shall serve for four years. Atthe time of the organizational meeting of the initial library boardappointed by the board of education, the nine appointed members shalldecide by drawing lots which shall serve for two, three or four years.After the initial members of the board of trustees have been appointed inthe manner set forth above, members shall be appointed to serve terms offour years, except that a member appointed to fill a vacancy in a term ofoffice shall be appointed to serve only the remainder of that term. Eachmember appointed shall serve until his successor in office is appointed andqualified.
3. Each member of the board of trustees shall be at least twenty-fiveyears of age and shall be a resident of the urban public library districtand shall have resided within the state of Missouri for at least one yearnext preceding his or her appointment.
4. Vacancies in the board of trustees occasioned by removals,resignations, or otherwise shall be reported to the mayor of theappropriate appointing city, and shall be filled in like manner as originalappointment; except that, if the vacancy occurs during an unexpired term,the appointment shall be for only the unexpired portion of that term.
5. No trustee shall receive any fee, salary, gratuity or othercompensation or remuneration for acting as such, except that the board oftrustees may reimburse its members for actual and necessary expensesincurred in the performance of their duties.
6. The board of trustees shall have a president, secretary, and atreasurer and such other officers as the board may select. All officers ofthe board of trustees shall be selected by the board. All officers of theboard of trustees shall serve at the pleasure of the board and shall notreceive any salary, gratuity or other compensation or reimbursement foracting as such, except the treasurer, who may also serve as secretary.
7. The board of trustees shall provide for regularly scheduledmeetings of the board to be held monthly. The board of trustees shall makeand adopt bylaws, rules and regulations governing the proceedings of theboard, including bylaws prescribing the duties of each officer of the boardof trustees. No bylaws, rules or regulations shall be contrary to, orinconsistent with, any provision of law.
8. A majority of the full board of trustees shall constitute a quorumfor the transaction of business. An act of the majority of the trusteespresent at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of theboard of trustees, except as hereinafter provided. The affirmative vote ofa majority of the full board of trustees shall be required to enter intoany contract, employ or dismiss the chief administrative officer of thedistrict, effect a merger or consolidation or approve a budget.
9. The board of trustees of an urban public library district shalladopt policies for the government of the urban public library district thatwill carry out the spirit and intent of sections 182.701 to 182.723, andthe board of trustees shall employ a chief executive as administrativeofficer of the urban public library district charged with the duty ofcarrying out the policies adopted by the board of trustees. The chiefexecutive shall serve at the pleasure of the board of trustees. The chiefexecutive shall have the authority to employ professional libraryassistants and other employees to fill the positions that are created bythe board of trustees. The assistants and employees may be dismissed bythe chief executive.
(L. 1988 S.B. 681, A.L. 2005 H.B. 638)