182.650. Rate of tax--election to increase rate--form of ballot.
Rate of tax--election to increase rate--form of ballot.
182.650. 1. Whenever a consolidated public library districthas been created it may levy a tax at a rate of not less thantwenty cents on the one hundred dollars of assessed valuation ofall taxable property in the districts to be served by theconsolidated public library district; except that, any increasein the rate of taxation to be assessed shall, on resolutionadopted by the board of trustees of the consolidated publiclibrary district, be submitted to the county commission or countyexecutive officers of the counties included within the district,to be submitted to the voters of the respective counties forapproval.
2. The county commissions or county executive officers,after receipt of the resolution pursuant to the provisions ofthis section, shall order that the proposed increase in the rateof taxation be submitted to the voters of the consolidated publiclibrary district at an election. The order of the commission andthe notice shall specify the name of the county and the rate oftaxation mentioned in the petition.
3. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall there be a ... cent tax increase over the.... cent taxper hundred dollars assessed valuation for the.....consolidatedpublic library district?
4. If a majority of all the votes cast on the question shallbe for the tax increase as submitted, the increased tax specifiedin the notice shall be levied and collected in like manner withother county taxes and shall be paid and forwarded to thetreasurer of the board of trustees of the consolidated publiclibrary district by the county collector.
5. If a majority of the votes cast on the question shall beagainst the tax rate as submitted, then the tax rate shall remainat the previously existing levy.
6. Whenever in any consolidated public library districtwhich has decided to establish and maintain a free library in anydistrict served under the provisions of sections 182.610 to182.670, the consolidated public library district board oftrustees, by written resolution entered of record, deems itnecessary that free library buildings be erected in the district,it shall notify the county commission or chief executive inwriting asking that an annual tax be levied at and as anincreased rate of taxation for the library buildings and specifyin its resolution an additional rate of taxation of ....... centson the hundred dollars annually, and not to be levied for morethan ten years on all taxable property in such consolidatedpublic library district, then the county commission or countyexecutive officer shall enter of record a brief recital of theresolution and shall order that the question be submitted to thevoters of the consolidated public library district. The order ofthe commission or county executive officer and notice shallspecify the rate of taxation mentioned in the resolution.
7. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall there be a ..... cent tax for erection of librarybuildings?
8. If the majority of the voters of the county librarydistrict voting on the question vote in favor of the tax, the taxspecified in the notice shall be levied and collected in likemanner with other taxes of the county, and delivered to thetreasurer of the board of trustees of the consolidated publiclibrary district, and shall be subject to the exclusive controlof the consolidated public library district board of trustees,and the fund shall be disbursed by the consolidated publiclibrary district treasurer only upon proper instrument of paymentof the board, and be used for expenses incident to the erectionand furnishing of the library buildings. The levy hereinproviding for the erection of library buildings shall be inaddition to the tax levied for the establishment and maintenanceof the consolidated public library district.
(L. 1972 H.B. 1114, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)