181.100. Distribution of reports, definitions, requirements, charges, when.

Distribution of reports, definitions, requirements, charges, when.

181.100. 1. As used in sections 181.100 to 181.130 the followingterms shall mean, unless the context requires otherwise:

(1) "Agency", each department, office, commission, board, or otheradministrative office or unit of state government;

(2) "Electronic repository", a collection of electronic publicationskept in a secure environment with adequate backup to protect thecollection;

(3) "Format", any media used in the publication of state informationincluding electronic, print, audio, visual, and microform;

(4) "Participating libraries", a library selected by the secretary ofstate to assist the public in locating and using state publications in anyformat; and designated to house and make available to the publicpublications which agencies have produced in print;

(5) "Publications", the information published by agencies intendedfor distribution to the legislature, agencies, political subdivisions,nonprofit organizations or broad distribution to the public, includingpublications issued electronically or in other formats;

(6) "State publications access program", a program to provide accessto state publications for all citizens of Missouri through a securerepository of electronic publications available to the public throughelectronic networks and print collections located in libraries throughoutMissouri.

2. Other provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding, all stateagencies required to issue and distribute multiple-produced annual,biannual, or periodic reports shall distribute such reports without chargeonly to those persons and offices listed in subsection 4 of this section.For the purposes of sections 181.100 to 181.130, the word "report" means astate publication which is either a printed statement by a state agency,issued at specific intervals, which describes its operations and progress,and possibly contains a statement of its future plans; or a formal, writtenaccount of an investigation given by a person or group delegated to makethe investigation. Such reports shall not be distributed to any otherperson, including members of the general assembly, state officeholders,other state agencies, divisions or departments, or to members of thepublic, except upon request.

3. No report described in subsection 2 of this section shall bedistributed free of charge to any person or office, except as provided insubsection 4 of this section. Each recipient of any such report shall paythe cost of printing and postage, which cost shall be determined by theissuing agency prior to distribution of the document.

4. Each agency of state government which distributes annual,biannual, or periodic reports printed in paper shall provide such copies ofeach such document free of charge to the state library as the state libraryshall specify, along with a statement of the cost and address whereadditional copies of such report may be requested. Two copies of allreports shall be provided to the legislative library, one copy to the chiefclerk of the house of representatives, one copy to the secretary of thesenate, one copy to the supreme court library and one copy to the governor.

(L. 1976 H.B. 1021 § 2, A.L. 1983 H.B. 96, et al., A.L. 2004 H.B. 1347)