178.894. Job training program costs--new jobs credit from withholding--conditions.

Job training program costs--new jobs credit fromwithholding--conditions.

178.894. If an agreement provides that all or part of program costs areto be met by receipt of new jobs credit from withholding, such new jobs creditfrom withholding shall be determined and paid as follows:

(1) New jobs credit from withholding shall be based upon the wages paidto the employees in the new jobs;

(2) A portion of the total payments made by the employer pursuant tosection 143.221, RSMo, shall be designated as the new jobs credit fromwithholding. Such portion shall be an amount equal to two and one-halfpercent of the gross wages paid by the employer for each of the first onehundred jobs included in the project and one and one-half percent of the grosswages paid by the employer for each of the remaining jobs included in theproject. If business or employment conditions cause the amount of the newjobs credit from withholding to be less than the amount projected in theagreement for any time period, then other withholding tax paid by the employerpursuant to section 143.221, RSMo, shall be credited to the Missouri communitycollege job training fund by the amount of such difference. The employershall remit the amount of the new jobs credit to the department of revenue inthe manner prescribed in section 178.896. When all program costs, includingthe principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the certificates have beenpaid, the employer credits shall cease;

(3) The community college district participating in a project shallestablish a special fund for and in the name of the project. All fundsappropriated by the general assembly from the Missouri community college jobtraining program fund and disbursed by the division of job development andtraining for the project and other amounts received by the district in respectof the project and required by the agreement to be used to pay program costsfor the project shall be deposited in the special fund. Amounts held in thespecial fund may be used and disbursed by the district only to pay programcosts for the project. The special fund may be divided into such accounts andsubaccounts as shall be provided in the agreement, and amounts held thereinmay be invested in investments which are legal for the investment of thedistrict's other funds;

(4) Any disbursement in respect of a project received from the divisionof job development and training under the provisions of sections 178.892 to178.896 and the special fund into which it is paid may be irrevocably pledgedby a community college district for the payment of the principal of, premium,if any, and interest on the certificate issued by a community college districtto finance or refinance, in whole or in part, the project;

(5) The employer shall certify to the department of revenue that thecredit from withholding is in accordance with an agreement and shall provideother information the department may require;

(6) An employee participating in a project will receive full credit forthe amount designated as a new jobs credit from withholding and withheld asprovided in section 143.221, RSMo;

(7) If an agreement provides that all or part of program costs are to bemet by receipt of new jobs credit from withholding, the provisions of thissubsection shall also apply to any successor to the original employer untilsuch time as the principal and interest on the certificates have been paid.

(L. 1988 H.B. 1034 §§ 3, 4, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1364)

Effective 7-13-90

Expires 7-01-28