178.820. Trustees, election of--subdistricts--redistricting committees--trustee of subdistrict, residency requirements, qualifications.

Trustees, election of--subdistricts--redistricting committees--trusteeof subdistrict, residency requirements, qualifications.

178.820. 1. In the organization election, six trustees shall be electedat large throughout the entire proposed district. The two candidatesreceiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected for terms of six yearseach, the two receiving the next greatest number of votes for terms of fouryears each, the two receiving the next greatest number of votes for terms oftwo years each, and such terms shall be effective until the first Tuesday inApril coinciding with or next following such period of years, or until thesuccessors to such trustees have been duly elected and qualified. Thereafter,the trustees shall be elected for terms of six years each.

2. Following the initial election, the board of trustees may, at anyduly called meeting, adopt a resolution calling for the formation of aredistricting committee to consider the formation of subdistricts within thecommunity college district from which trustees are thereafter to be elected.Upon adoption of any such resolution, the secretary of the board of trusteesshall forward a certified copy thereof to the coordinating board for highereducation with the request that a redistricting committee be appointed inorder to divide the community college districts into at least two and not morethan six subdistricts for the purpose of electing trustees. The redistrictingcommittee shall consist of three residents within the affected district,appointed by the board of trustees of the affected district, plus threeadditional persons residents within the affected district, appointed by thecoordinating board for higher education. Thereafter, the redistrictingcommittee shall meet, organize itself with a chairman and secretary, andproceed with the adoption of a redistricting plan specifying at least two butnot more than six subdistricts which are to the extent possible so apportionedon the basis of population that the population of any such subdistrict dividedby the number of trustees to be selected therefrom substantially equals thepopulation of any other subdistrict divided by the number of trustees to beselected therefrom. The redistricting plan referred to herein, in lieu ofrequiring all trustees to be elected from subdistricts, may provide for theelection of one or more trustees at large and the remainder from subdistricts,or for the election of all the trustees at large with the requirement thateach must reside in a certain subdistrict, so long as in any plan adopted,subdistricts are apportioned as provided above. Notwithstanding the above,the board of trustees of any community college district which contains morethan four hundred fifty thousand residents shall, at the first duly calledmeeting following August 13, 1972, and thereafter within ninety days followingthe publication of the decennial census figures, adopt a resolution callingfor the formation of a redistricting committee; and the redistrictingcommittee shall adopt a redistricting plan specifying the establishment of notless than four nor more than six subdistricts compact and contiguous interritory and apportioned as provided above.

3. In any district which shall contain a city not within a county, iffour subdistricts are established, then at least one subdistrict shall bewithin said city, and if five or six subdistricts are established, then atleast two subdistricts shall be within said city.

4. Any person running for election as a trustee of a subdistrict shallbe domiciled and a resident therein. Any plan proposed to be adopted mustreceive approval of a majority of the whole redistricting committee. Uponadoption the redistricting committee shall forward a copy of the plancertified by the secretary to the coordinating board for higher education forits approval or disapproval. The coordinating board for higher educationshall approve any redistricting plan in which the population of anysubdistrict divided by the number of trustees to be selected therefromsubstantially equals the population of any other subdistrict divided by thenumber of trustees to be elected therefrom. Upon approval, the redistrictingplan shall become effective and all trustees elected thereafter shall berequired to be elected from subdistricts in which they are resident. If theplan is not approved, then it shall be returned to the redistricting committeefor revision and resubmission. Until approval of a plan by the coordinatingboard for higher education, trustees of a district shall continue to run atlarge. Upon approval of any plan, the board of trustees shall determine byresolution the assignment of trustees to subdistricts. Any such assignmentshall not affect the term of office of any such trustee. Once a district hasbeen divided into subdistricts in accordance with the provisions hereof, itshall remain so divided until one year following the publication of thedecennial census figures, by which date a new plan shall have been adopted orthe trustees shall again be required to run in the district at large;provided, however, that if during the period between publications of decennialcensus figures the area of a district is increased or decreased, a new planshall be adopted within one year thereafter or the trustees shall be requiredto run in the district at large. No member of the redistricting committeeshall serve on the board of trustees for a period of six years following hisservice on the redistricting committee.

5. Candidates for the office of trustee shall be citizens of the UnitedStates, at least twenty-one years of age, who have been voters of the districtfor at least one whole year preceding the election, and if trustees areelected other than at large they shall be voters of the subdistricts for atleast one whole year next preceding the election. All candidates for thefirst board of a district shall file their declaration of candidacy with thecoordinating board for higher education.

(L. 1963 p. 200 § 13-82, A.L. 1972 H.B. 1169, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)

(Source: L. 1961 p. 357 § 5)