178.411. Definitions--duties of state board of education--fee waiver, effect on agency benefits--eligibility requirements--no guarantee of acceptance in or graduation from program--rules, promulgation

Definitions--duties of state board of education--fee waiver, effect onagency benefits--eligibility requirements--no guarantee ofacceptance in or graduation from program--rules, promulgation,procedure.

178.411. 1. As used in this section, the following terms mean:

(1) "Board", state board of education;

(2) "Course", any unit of study for which an institution awards credithours toward the completion of an education program;

(3) "Fee", any tuition or fee or both charged by an institution forattendance at that institution by a resident of this state;

(4) "Fee waiver", the relinquishment by the institution of its charge offees to a homemaker according to the provisions of this section;

(5) "Homemaker", an individual whose principal job has been homemaking,who has lost his or her main source of income because of divorce, separation,death or disability of a spouse, long-term family income below poverty level,or loss of eligibility for public assistance, and who has not been employed ona full-time basis of forty hours per week for at least three years. Suchfull-time employment shall not include seasonal occupations;

(6) "Institution", a public area vocational-technical school or a publiccommunity college as established in this chapter;

(7) "Training program ready", the completion by a homemaker of acomprehensive vocational assessment of interests, aptitudes and abilitiesinventories or tests to ensure appropriate vocational educational placementfrom an approved vocational assessment/evaluation program, including thecompletion of a vocational orientation involving career decision-makingactivities, career exploration into nontraditional programs, new technologiesand high demand occupations;

(8) "Vocational education program", an educational program for less thana baccalaureate degree, the controlling purpose of which is to prepare forprofitable employment.

2. The board shall be the administrative agency for the implementationof this section. The board shall:

(1) Promulgate rules and regulations for the implementation of thissection;

(2) Determine the procedures necessary for a homemaker to apply for andreceive a fee waiver and provide the necessary forms;

(3) Determine eligibility guidelines for an institution to follow in theevent that more homemakers apply for fee waivers in vocational educationprograms than the institution can accommodate in any particular enrollmentperiod;

(4) Determine guidelines for individual eligibility and minimumstandards in order for a homemaker to become and to remain eligible to receivea fee waiver, including becoming training program ready;

(5) Distribute annual grants to the institutions within the amountsappropriated therefor according to the provisions of this section.

3. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority of thissection shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to theprovisions of section 536.024, RSMo.

4. Any other provision of the law to the contrary notwithstanding, aninstitution may waive the fee required for attendance in a vocationaleducation program by a homemaker. Unless otherwise required by federal law,the receipt of the fee waiver shall not cause a reduction from any otheragency benefits while the individual is enrolled in a vocational educationprogram and for a period of six months after exit to full-time unsubsidizedemployment.

5. Within the limits of the amounts appropriated therefor, the boardshall award an annual grant to each institution for fee waivers. Theappropriated amount shall be divided between the area vocational-technicalschools and the community colleges and shall be distributed according to thestate plan for federal vocational education funds.

6. A homemaker may receive a fee waiver from an institution if at thetime of application and throughout the period during which the homemaker isreceiving such waiver the homemaker is a citizen or permanent resident of theUnited States, is a resident of the state of Missouri as defined by the board,and is enrolled or has been accepted for enrollment in a vocational educationprogram the purpose of which is to prepare for gainful employment. In noevent shall a homemaker receive additional fee waivers beyond the completionof the vocational education program for which the homemaker is enrolled. Ahomemaker may change from one program to another prior to completion of theoriginal program without loss of eligibility; provided, however, that thetotal credit hours for which fees are waived shall not exceed the equivalentcredit hours of a community college associate's degree.

7. Nothing in this section shall be construed as a promise or guaranteethat a homemaker will be admitted to an institution or to a particular programwithin that institution, that a homemaker will be allowed to continue afterhaving been admitted, or will be graduated from a program at an institution.Each institution's rules and policies on student advancement shall apply tohomemakers receiving fee waivers. An institution may subsequently refuse towaive fees if the homemaker has not made satisfactory progress or haswithdrawn from the program prior to completion of the course without causeaccording to the institution's rules.

(L. 1988 H.B. 1456 § 22, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3)