172.611. Consolidation of existing certificates--new certificates--amount--interest rates.
Consolidation of existing certificates--newcertificates--amount--interest rates.
172.611. 1. The governor shall, on the first day of July,1951, cause to be issued six certificates of indebtedness of thestate of Missouri, payable twenty years after date, whichcertificates are to be consolidations of the several existingcertificates of indebtedness of the state to the seminary fund.Such certificates shall be payable to the state treasurer astrustee of the seminary fund and shall be in the amounts, for thepurposes, and shall bear interest, payable semiannually to theboard of curators of the state university on the first days ofJanuary and July of each year, at the rates as follows:
(1) One certificate in the amount of one hundred twenty-twothousand dollars, bearing interest at the rate of six percent perannum; said interest to be used for the support of the stateuniversity as directed by the board of curators;
(2) One certificate in the amount of one hundred tenthousand dollars, bearing interest at the rate of five percentper annum; said interest to be used for the support andmaintenance of the state university as directed by the board ofcurators;
(3) One certificate in the amount of three hundredforty-nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-one dollars andnineteen cents, bearing interest at the rate of five percent perannum. One-fourth of said interest shall be used for themaintenance of the University of Missouri-Rolla and three-fourthsthereof shall be used for the maintenance of the College ofAgriculture of the state university;
(4) One certificate in the amount of six hundred forty-ninethousand nine hundred and fifty-eight dollars and twenty-threecents, bearing interest at the rate of five percent per annum.One-fifth of said interest shall be used for the maintenance ofthe University of Missouri-Rolla and four-fifths thereof shall beused for the maintenance of the state university at Columbia;
(5) One certificate to be designated the James S. Rollinsscholarship certificate, in the amount of six thousand dollars,bearing interest at the rate of five percent; said interest to beapplied to the maintenance of the James S. Rollins universityscholarship;
(6) One certificate in the amount of two thousand dollars,bearing interest at the rate of five percent per annum; saidinterest to be applied to the maintenance of the University ofMissouri-Rolla.
2. Each certificate so issued shall be executed by thegovernor, countersigned by the secretary of state and sealed withthe great seal of the state, and shall specify the purposes towhich the funds thereof are dedicated, and the disposition of theinterest to be paid on same. Upon the execution of suchcertificates, they shall be deposited with the state treasurer aspart of the seminary fund.
(L. 1951 p. 472 § 2)