171.181. Preference given Missouri products in making purchase--certain seven-director school districts, board member selling to district prohibited, exceptions, penalty.
Preference given Missouri products in making purchase--certainseven-director school districts, board member selling todistrict prohibited, exceptions, penalty.
171.181. In making purchases, the school board, officer, oremployee of any school district shall give preference to allcommodities, manufactured, mined, produced or grown within thestate and to all firms, corporations or individuals doingbusiness as Missouri firms, corporations, or individuals, whenquality and price are approximately the same; provided, however,that any board member, officer or employee of a seven-directorschool district, any portion of which is located in a first classcounty, selling or providing such commodities to the schooldistrict shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and shallforfeit his position with the school district and providedfurther that any board member, officer or employee of aseven-director school district, any portion of which is located ina county of the second, third or fourth class, selling orproviding such commodities to the school district except asprovided in sections 105.450 to 105.458, RSMo, shall be guiltyof a class A misdemeanor and shall forfeit his position with theschool district.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 11-18 and p. 340 § 165.157, A.L. 1989 H.B. 493)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.157)