171.053. Participation in sanctioned program activities, excused absences allowed--state aid, computation for such activities.
Participation in sanctioned program activities, excused absencesallowed--state aid, computation for such activities.
171.053. 1. The general assembly hereby finds and declares that:
(1) The Future Farmers of America Organization (FFA Organization),Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and 4-H programsin the state and the organized competitions held as a part of the Missouristate fair involve an education and learning process that is not otherwiseavailable in the regular curriculum of secondary education in Missouri;
(2) The principles and practices learned by students in such programsare highly beneficial to students;
(3) Participation in such programs should be encouraged; and
(4) One method of encouraging participation in such programs is toallow such participation to be counted as school attendance for the purposeof determining state school aid.
2. It is the purpose and intent of this section to assure thatparticipation of students in sanctioned activities of such programs beallowed to such extent as may be determined appropriate by the schoolboards of the various school districts.
3. Any school district which allows an excused absence for athleticsor any other extracurricular school activity shall allow, pursuant to itswritten policy and with the approval of the responsible sponsoring schoolemployee, any student enrolled in the district to use such regularlyscheduled instructional time as is reasonably necessary for such student toparticipate in an officially sanctioned activity of any such program;provided, if the program is not a part of the Missouri state fair or 4-H,that such program has a local chapter which is officially recognized by thestudent's school.
4. For the purpose of distributing state school aid pursuant tosection 163.031, RSMo, a student who is participating in an officiallysanctioned activity of any such program, as provided pursuant to subsection3 of this section, shall be considered to be attending regularly scheduledinstruction in the district and such hours of participation occurringduring the regular school day shall be included in the district'scalculation of average daily attendance, as defined in section 163.011,RSMo.
(L. 2004 S.B. 968 and S.B. 969)