171.035. Make-up days not required, when.
Make-up days not required, when.
171.035. Any school district that cancelled classes or dismissedclasses early for weather-related reasons for any of its schools for anydays from January 11, 2007, to January 22, 2007, shall not be required tomake up the days or hours lost during such time. The requirement forscheduling two-thirds of the missed days into the next year's calendarunder subsection 1 of section 171.033 shall be waived for the 2007-08school year.
(L. 2007 S.B. 376)Make-up days, exemption from requirement for schools in a declaredfederal disaster area, limitation.Effective 5-03-07
*This section was enacted by H.B. 678 and S.B. 376 during the First Regular Session of the 94th General Assembly, 2007. Due to possible conflict, both versions are printed here.
171.035. Except a school district with an assessed valuation of threehundred million dollars or more and with territory in a county of the secondclassification, no school district with any territory contained in a countydeclared to be a federal disaster area on January 16, 2007, that cancelledclasses or dismissed classes early for weather-related reasons for any of itsschools for any days from January 15** to January 22, 2007, shall be requiredto make up the days or hours lost during such time. School districts incounties not included in the federal disaster area that have missed eight ormore days due to inclement weather during the 2006-07 school year shall not berequired to make up the days or hours for six of those days. The requirementfor scheduling two-thirds of the missed days into the next year's calendarunder subsection 1 of section 171.033 shall be waived for the 2007-08 schoolyear.
(L. 2007 H.B. 678)Effective 7-13-07
*This section was enacted by H.B. 678 and S.B. 376 during the First Regular Session of the 94th General Assembly, 2007. Due to possible conflict, both versions are printed here.
**Word "fifteenth" appears in original rolls.