170.037. Adoption of service-learning programs and projects encouraged--state board of education to provide assistance, when.
Adoption of service-learning programs and projects encouraged--stateboard of education to provide assistance, when.
170.037. 1. The state board of education shall encourage the adoptionof service-learning programs and projects among school districts. As used inthis section, the term "service-learning programs and projects" means astudent-centered, research-based method of teaching and learning which engagesstudents of all ages in solving problems and addressing issues in their schoolor greater community as part of the academic curriculum. As a result,service-learning fosters academic achievement, civic engagement, and characterdevelopment.
2. Upon request of any school district that elects to implementservice-learning programs or projects, the state board of education shallprovide any assistance needed to districts in locating, leveraging, andutilizing alternative financial resources that will assist teachers desiringto receive training in developing and administering service-learning programsor projects.
3. Any local board of education that maintains a high school may includeservice-learning as part of any course contributing to the satisfaction ofcredits necessary for high school graduation and provide support for the useof service-learning as an instructional strategy at any grade level to addressappropriate areas of current state educational standards for student knowledgeand performance.
(L. 2004 S.B. 945 and S.B. 803 & 1257)