169.410. Definitions.


169.410. The following words and phrases as used in sections 169.410to 169.540, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context,shall have the following meanings:

(1) "Accumulated contributions", the sum of all amounts deducted fromthe compensation of a member and credited to the member's individualaccount together with interest allowed on such an account;

(2) "Actuarial equivalent", a benefit of equal value when computedupon the basis of interest and such mortality tables as shall be adopted bythe board of trustees;

(3) "Average final compensation", the highest average annualcompensation of the member received for any three consecutive years ofcredited service of the member's last ten years of credited service or ifthe member has had less than three years of such credited service, duringthe member's entire period of credited service;

(4) "Beneficiary", any person other than a retired member receiving apension benefit, optional pension benefit or other benefit;

(5) "Board of education", the board of education or correspondingboard having charge of the public schools of the school district other thanthose public schools which are operated by the board of regents;

(6) "Board of regents", the board of regents or corresponding boardhaving charge of a public city teacher training school within the schooldistrict which was operated by its board of education prior to September 1,1978;

(7) "Board of trustees", the board which administers the retirementsystem;

(8) "Charter school", any charter school established pursuant tosections 160.400 to 160.420, RSMo, and located, at the time it isestablished, within the school district;

(9) "Compensation", the regular compensation which a member hasearned as an employee during any period, excluding, however, anycompensation earned by a person who became a member after December 31,1995, which is in excess of the limitation set forth in Section 401(a)(17)of the Internal Revenue Code;

(10) "Consumer price index", the Consumer Price Index for All UrbanConsumers for the United States, or its successor index, as approved by theboard of trustees, as such index is defined and officially reported by theUnited States Department of Labor, or its successor agency;

(11) "Credited service", prior service plus membership service plusservice purchased pursuant to applicable Missouri statute;

(12) "Employee", any person regularly employed by (a) the board ofeducation, or (b) the board of trustees, or (c) the board of regents whowas employed at a public teacher training school within the school districtprior to September 1, 1978, and who did not become a member of the Missouristate employees' retirement system pursuant to section 104.342, RSMo, or(d) a charter school. In case of doubt as to whether any person is anemployee, the decision of the board of education, or the board of trustees,or the board of regents shall be final and conclusive;

(13) "Employer", the board of education, the board of trustees, theboard of regents or a charter school;

(14) "Medical board", the board of physicians;

(15) "Member", a member of the retirement system defined as an:

(a) "Active member", a person who is an employee;

(b) "Inactive member", a former active member who has accumulatedcontributions with the retirement system; or

(c) "Retired member", a former active member who has retired and isreceiving benefits;

(16) "Membership service", service rendered as an employee for whichthe employee received compensation. For the purpose of computingcreditable service at retirement, membership service shall include amember's accumulated and unused days of sick leave. The decision of theemploying board as to the number of accumulated and unused days of sickleave held by a member shall be final and conclusive;

(17) "Pension benefit" or "pension", monthly payments for life to aretired member or to such beneficiary as is entitled to the payments;

(18) "Prior service", service prior to the date the system becameoperative which is credited;

(19) "Public school", any school for elementary, secondary or highereducation, open and public, which is supported and maintained from publicfunds and which is operated by the board of education of the schooldistrict, by the board of regents, or as a charter school as definedpursuant to sections 160.400 to 160.420, RSMo;

(20) "Retired member", a member receiving a retirement benefit orother benefit;

(21) "Retirement system", the public school retirement system of aschool district;

(22) "School administrator", an employee whose job classification isincluded on the school administrators' position schedule of the employingboard;

(23) "School district", any metropolitan school district as definedpursuant to section 160.011, RSMo;

(24) "Teacher", any teacher, substitute teacher, supervisor,principal, supervising principal, superintendent or assistantsuperintendent, who shall teach or be employed on a full-time basis in thepublic schools of a school district or charter school, except thoseteachers electing to become members of the Missouri state employees'retirement system pursuant to section 104.342, RSMo. In case of doubt asto whether any person is a teacher, the decision of the board of education,or the board of regents with respect to individuals within its charge,shall be final and conclusive.

(L. 1943 p. 805 § 1, A.L. 1949 p. 532, A.L. 1951 p. 513, A.L. 1953 pp. 438, 496, A.L. 1957 p. 462, A.L. 1961 p. 384, A.L. 1965 p. 293, A.L. 1967 p. 263, A.L. 1978 S.B. 542, A.L. 1979 S.B. 392, A.L. 1981 H.B. 33, et al., A.L. 1987 H.B. 558, et al. merged with H.B. 713, A.L. 1989 S.B. 146, A.L. 1995 S.B. 378, A.L. 1996 S.B. 860, A.L. 2001 H.B. 660)