169.360. Trustees shall report annually to employers district's contribution, certification--transfer of funds.
Trustees shall report annually to employers district's contribution,certification--transfer of funds.
169.360. Before the first of July of each year, the board oftrustees shall certify to each employer the amounts which willbecome due and payable from each during the school year nextfollowing to the general reserve fund. The amount so certifiedshall be appropriated by each employer's board by a resolutionexplicitly directing the appropriate officials to pay the same,not later than July twenty-fifth of each year and transferred tothe retirement system on or before December thirty-first of thesame year.
(L. 1943 p. 787 § 10, A.L. 1951 p. 477, A.L. 1961 p. 369, A.L. 1973 H.B. 375, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1522, A.L. 1989 S.B. 146)Effective 6-14-89