169.315. Rules, regulations to permit purchase of creditable service, requirements--eligibility.
Rules, regulations to permit purchase of creditable service,requirements--eligibility.
169.315. 1. The board of trustees shall adopt rules and regulationswhich shall permit members to purchase creditable service under thecircumstances provided for in this section. Such rules and regulations shallspecify, for each such designated circumstance:
(1) The manner in which the employee contributions required to purchasesuch service shall be calculated;
(2) The manner in which any employer contributions required for suchservice shall be calculated;
(3) The maximum amount of service that may be purchased, if any;
(4) The time by which the election to purchase service shall be made andthe period over which such contributions shall be paid; and
(5) Any other requirements the member must satisfy in order to beeligible to purchase service in such circumstance.
All such rules and regulations shall be applied on a uniform andnondiscriminatory basis so that all members are treated similarly undersimilar circumstances.
2. Any active member who ceased to be a regular employee and received arefund of contributions and interest attributable to a prior period of servicewith any employer may, after reemployment as a regular employee and prior toretirement, elect to reinstate any creditable service the member forfeited bypurchasing such service in accordance with the rules and regulations adoptedby the board of trustees.
3. Any active member who has rendered service in a public schooldistrict or public library within the state of Missouri but outside of thedistrict in which the retirement system is established, or in a college,community college or university within the state of Missouri may elect topurchase and receive credit for such service in accordance with the rules andregulations adopted by the board of trustees.
4. Any active member who has rendered service in a public schooldistrict, public library, college, community college or university outside thestate of Missouri may elect to purchase and receive credit for such service inaccordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the board of trustees;provided that, such member shall pay to the retirement system, in addition toall required employee contributions, the required amount of employercontributions, plus interest, for each year of creditable service beingpurchased.
5. Any active member who was, prior to becoming a member, employed by aprivate school, college or university on a full-time basis and duly certifiedunder the law governing the certification of teachers during all of suchemployment may elect to purchase and receive credit for such private schoolservice in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the board oftrustees; provided that, such member shall pay to the retirement system, inaddition to all required employee contributions, the required amount ofemployer contributions, plus interest, for each year of creditable servicebeing purchased. As used in this section, the term "private school" means aschool which is not a part of the public school system of the state ofMissouri and which charges tuition for the rendering of elementary, secondaryeducational or postsecondary educational services.
6. Any active member who, voluntarily or involuntarily, enters servicein the armed forces of the United States or other national defense servicemay, after reemployment and prior to retirement, elect to purchase and receivecredit for such military service in accordance with the rules and regulationsadopted by the board of trustees and with the laws governing the reemploymentrights of veterans.
7. Any active member who is granted a period of approved, unpaid leaveof absence by the employer's board for academic study at a college, communitycollege, university or otherwise, illness or such other circumstances as maybe authorized by the board of trustees, may elect to purchase and receivecreditable service for such period of leave in accordance with the rules andregulations adopted by the board of trustees.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1522 § 169.311 subsec. 7, A.L. 1989 S.B. 146, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1347, et al., A.L. 1994 S.B. 575, A.L. 1995 S.B. 378, A.L. 1997 H.B. 169 merged with S.B. 309, A.L. 2001 H.B. 660)