168.410. Evaluations of school administrators and district superintendents--copy of evaluation to person evaluated.

Evaluations of school administrators and districtsuperintendents--copy of evaluation to person evaluated.

168.410. School administrators and school districtsuperintendents shall be evaluated in the following manner:

(1) The board of education of each school district shallcause a comprehensive performance-based evaluation for eachadministrator employed by the district. Such evaluation shall beongoing and of sufficient specificity and frequency to providefor demonstrated standards of competency and academic ability;

(2) All evaluations shall be maintained in the respectiveadministrator's personnel file at the office of the board ofeducation of the school district. A copy of each evaluationshall be provided to the person being evaluated and to theappropriate administrator;

(3) The state department of elementary and secondaryeducation shall provide suggested procedures for the evaluationsperformed under this section.

(L. 1985 H.B. 463)