163.172. Minimum teacher's salary--information to be provided to general assembly--salary defined.
Minimum teacher's salary--information to be provided to generalassembly--salary defined.
163.172. 1. In school year 1994-95 and thereafter until school year2006-07, the minimum teacher's salary shall be eighteen thousand dollars.Beginning in school year 2006-07, the minimum teacher's salary shall betwenty-two thousand dollars; in school year 2007-08, the minimum teacher'ssalary shall be twenty-three thousand dollars; in school year 2008-09, theminimum teacher's salary shall be twenty-four thousand dollars; in school year2009-10 and thereafter, the minimum teacher's salary shall be twenty-fivethousand dollars. Beginning in the school year 1996-97 until school year2006-07, for any full-time teacher with a master's degree and at least tenyears' teaching experience in a public school or combination of publicschools, the minimum salary shall be twenty-four thousand dollars. Beginningin the school year 2006-07, for any full-time teacher with a master's degreein an academic teaching field and at least ten years' teaching experience in apublic school or combination of public schools, the minimum salary shall bethirty thousand dollars; in the 2007-08 school year such minimum salary shallbe thirty-one thousand dollars; in the 2008-09 school year such minimum salaryshall be thirty-two thousand dollars; and in the 2009-10 school year suchminimum salary shall be thirty-three thousand dollars.
2. Beginning with the budget requests for fiscal year 1991, thecommissioner of education shall present to the appropriate committees of thegeneral assembly information on the average Missouri teacher's salary,regional average salary data, and national average salary data.
3. All school salary information shall be public information.
4. As used in this section, the term "salary" shall be defined as thesalary figure which appears on the teacher's contract and as determined by thelocal school district's basic salary schedule and does not include supplementsfor extra duties.
5. The minimum salary for any fully certificated teacher employed on aless than full-time basis by a school district, state school for the severelyhandicapped, the Missouri School for the Deaf, or the Missouri School for theBlind shall be prorated to reflect the amounts provided in subsection 1 ofthis section.
(L. 1985 H.B. 463 § 163.171, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1441, A.L. 1990 S.B. 740, A.L. 1993 S.B. 380, A.L. 1996 S.B. 795, et al., A.L. 2005 S.B. 287)Effective 7-01-06