163.044. Annual appropriation of fifteen million dollars for specified uses.
Annual appropriation of fifteen million dollars for specified uses.
163.044. 1. Beginning with the 2007 fiscal year and each subsequentfiscal year, the general assembly shall appropriate fifteen million dollarsto be directed in the following manner to school districts with an averagedaily attendance of three hundred fifty students or less in the school yearpreceding the payment year:
(1) Ten million dollars shall be distributed to the eligibledistricts in proportion to their average daily attendance; and
(2) Five million dollars shall be directed to the eligible districtsthat have an operating levy for school purposes in the current year equalto or greater than the performance levy and any school districts which havean operating levy for school purposes in the current year less than theperformance levy solely due to a modification of such district's levyrequired under subdivision (4) of subsection 5 of section 137.073, RSMo. Atax-rate-weighted average daily attendance shall be calculated for eacheligible district in proportion to its operating levy for school purposesfor the current year divided by the performance levy with that resultmultiplied by the district's average daily attendance in the school yearpreceding the payment year. The total appropriation pursuant to thissubdivision shall then be divided by the sum of the tax-rate-weightedaverage daily attendance of the eligible districts, and the resultingamount per tax-rate-weighted average daily attendance shall be multipliedby each eligible district's tax-rate-weighted average daily attendance todetermine the amount to be paid to each eligible district.
2. The payment under this section shall not be transferred to thecapital projects fund.
3. Except as provided in subsection 2 of this section, districtsreceiving payments under this section may use the moneys for, including butnot limited to, the following:
(1) Distance learning;
(2) Extraordinary transportation costs;
(3) Rural teacher recruitment; and
(4) Student learning opportunities not available within the district.
(L. 2005 S.B. 287, A.L. 2008 S.B. 711)