163.011. Definitions--method of calculating state aid.
Definitions--method of calculating state aid.
163.011. As used in this chapter unless the context requiresotherwise:
(1) "Adjusted operating levy", the sum of tax rates for the currentyear for teachers' and incidental funds for a school district as reportedto the proper officer of each county pursuant to section 164.011, RSMo;
(2) "Average daily attendance", the quotient or the sum of thequotients obtained by dividing the total number of hours attended in a termby resident pupils between the ages of five and twenty-one by the actualnumber of hours school was in session in that term. To the average dailyattendance of the following school term shall be added the full-timeequivalent average daily attendance of summer school students. "Full-timeequivalent average daily attendance of summer school students" shall becomputed by dividing the total number of hours, except for physicaleducation hours that do not count as credit toward graduation for studentsin grades nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, attended by all summer schoolpupils by the number of hours required in section 160.011, RSMo, in theschool term. For purposes of determining average daily attendance underthis subdivision, the term "resident pupil" shall include all childrenbetween the ages of five and twenty-one who are residents of the schooldistrict and who are attending kindergarten through grade twelve in suchdistrict. If a child is attending school in a district other than thedistrict of residence and the child's parent is teaching in the schooldistrict or is a regular employee of the school district which the child isattending, then such child shall be considered a resident pupil of theschool district which the child is attending for such period of time whenthe district of residence is not otherwise liable for tuition. Averagedaily attendance for students below the age of five years for which aschool district may receive state aid based on such attendance shall becomputed as regular school term attendance unless otherwise provided bylaw;
(3) "Current operating expenditures":
(a) For the fiscal year 2007 calculation, "current operatingexpenditures" shall be calculated using data from fiscal year 2004 andshall be calculated as all expenditures for instruction and supportservices except capital outlay and debt service expenditures minus therevenue from federal categorical sources; food service; student activities;categorical payments for transportation costs pursuant to section 163.161;state reimbursements for early childhood special education; the careerladder entitlement for the district, as provided for in sections 168.500 to168.515, RSMo; the vocational education entitlement for the district, asprovided for in section 167.332, RSMo; and payments from other districts;
(b) In every fiscal year subsequent to fiscal year 2007, currentoperating expenditures shall be the amount in paragraph (a) of thissubdivision plus any increases in state funding pursuant to sections163.031 and 163.043 subsequent to fiscal year 2005, not to exceed fivepercent, per recalculation, of the state revenue received by a district inthe 2004-05 school year from the foundation formula, line 14, gifted,remedial reading, exceptional pupil aid, fair share, and free textbookpayments for any district from the first preceding calculation of the stateadequacy target. Beginning on July 1, 2010, current operating expendituresshall be the amount in paragraph (a) of this subdivision plus any increasesin state funding pursuant to sections 163.031 and 163.043 subsequent tofiscal year 2005 received by a district in the 2004-05 school year from thefoundation formula, line 14, gifted, remedial reading, exceptional pupilaid, fair share, and free textbook payments for any district from the firstpreceding calculation of the state adequacy target;
(4) "District's tax rate ceiling", the highest tax rate ceiling ineffect subsequent to the 1980 tax year or any subsequent year. Such taxrate ceiling shall not contain any tax levy for debt service;
(5) "Dollar-value modifier", an index of the relative purchasingpower of a dollar, calculated as one plus fifteen percent of the differenceof the regional wage ratio minus one, provided that the dollar valuemodifier shall not be applied at a rate less than 1.0:
(a) "County wage per job", the total county wage and salarydisbursements divided by the total county wage and salary employment foreach county and the city of St. Louis as reported by the Bureau of EconomicAnalysis of the United States Department of Commerce for the fourth yearpreceding the payment year;
(b) "Regional wage per job":
a. The total Missouri wage and salary disbursements of themetropolitan area as defined by the Office of Management and Budget dividedby the total Missouri metropolitan wage and salary employment for themetropolitan area for the county signified in the school district number orthe city of St. Louis, as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis ofthe United States Department of Commerce for the fourth year preceding thepayment year and recalculated upon every decennial census to incorporatecounties that are newly added to the description of metropolitan areas; orif no such metropolitan area is established, then:
b. The total Missouri wage and salary disbursements of themicropolitan area as defined by the Office of Management and Budget dividedby the total Missouri micropolitan wage and salary employment for themicropolitan area for the county signified in the school district number,as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United StatesDepartment of Commerce for the fourth year preceding the payment year, if amicropolitan area for such county has been established and recalculatedupon every decennial census to incorporate counties that are newly added tothe description of micropolitan areas; or
c. If a county is not part of a metropolitan or micropolitan area asestablished by the Office of Management and Budget, then the county wageper job, as defined in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, shall be used forthe school district, as signified by the school district number;
(c) "Regional wage ratio", the ratio of the regional wage per jobdivided by the state median wage per job;
(d) "State median wage per job", the fifty-eighth highest county wageper job;
(6) "Free and reduced lunch pupil count", the number of pupilseligible for free and reduced lunch on the last Wednesday in January forthe preceding school year who were enrolled as students of the district, asapproved by the department in accordance with applicable federalregulations;
(7) "Free and reduced lunch threshold" shall be calculated bydividing the total free and reduced lunch pupil count of every performancedistrict that falls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirelybelow the top five percent of average daily attendance, when such districtsare rank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per averagedaily attendance, by the total average daily attendance of all includedperformance districts;
(8) "Limited English proficiency pupil count", the number in thepreceding school year of pupils aged three through twenty-one enrolled orpreparing to enroll in an elementary school or secondary school who werenot born in the United States or whose native language is a language otherthan English or are Native American or Alaskan native, or a native residentof the outlying areas, and come from an environment where a language otherthan English has had a significant impact on such individuals' level ofEnglish language proficiency, or are migratory, whose native language is alanguage other than English, and who come from an environment where alanguage other than English is dominant; and have difficulties in speaking,reading, writing, or understanding the English language sufficient to denysuch individuals the ability to meet the state's proficient level ofachievement on state assessments described in Public Law 107-10, theability to achieve successfully in classrooms where the language ofinstruction is English, or the opportunity to participate fully in society;
(9) "Limited English proficiency threshold" shall be calculated bydividing the total limited English proficiency pupil count of everyperformance district that falls entirely above the bottom five percent andentirely below the top five percent of average daily attendance, when suchdistricts are rank-ordered based on their current operating expendituresper average daily attendance, by the total average daily attendance of allincluded performance districts;
(10) "Local effort":
(a) For the fiscal year 2007 calculation, "local effort" shall becomputed as the equalized assessed valuation of the property of a schooldistrict in calendar year 2004 divided by one hundred and multiplied by theperformance levy less the percentage retained by the county assessor andcollector plus one hundred percent of the amount received in fiscal year2005 for school purposes from intangible taxes, fines, escheats, paymentsin lieu of taxes and receipts from state-assessed railroad and utility tax,one hundred percent of the amount received for school purposes pursuant tothe merchants' and manufacturers' taxes under sections 150.010 to 150.370,RSMo, one hundred percent of the amounts received for school purposes fromfederal properties under sections 12.070 and 12.080, RSMo, except when suchamounts are used in the calculation of federal impact aid pursuant to P.L.81-874, fifty percent of Proposition C revenues received for schoolpurposes from the school district trust fund under section 163.087, and onehundred percent of any local earnings or income taxes received by thedistrict for school purposes. Under this paragraph, for a special districtestablished under sections 162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with acharter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, atax levy of zero shall be utilized in lieu of the performance levy for thespecial school district;
(b) In every year subsequent to fiscal year 2007, "local effort"shall be the amount calculated under paragraph (a) of this subdivision plusany increase in the amount received for school purposes from fines. If adistrict's assessed valuation has decreased subsequent to the calculationoutlined in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the district's local effortshall be calculated using the district's current assessed valuation in lieuof the assessed valuation utilized in the calculation outlined in paragraph(a) of this subdivision;
(11) "Membership" shall be the average of:
(a) The number of resident full-time students and the full-timeequivalent number of part-time students who were enrolled in the publicschools of the district on the last Wednesday in September of the previousyear and who were in attendance one day or more during the preceding tenschool days; and
(b) The number of resident full-time students and the full-timeequivalent number of part-time students who were enrolled in the publicschools of the district on the last Wednesday in January of the previousyear and who were in attendance one day or more during the preceding tenschool days, plus the full-time equivalent number of summer school pupils."Full-time equivalent number of part-time students" is determined bydividing the total number of hours for which all part-time students areenrolled by the number of hours in the school term. "Full-time equivalentnumber of summer school pupils" is determined by dividing the total numberof hours for which all summer school pupils were enrolled by the number ofhours required pursuant to section 160.011, RSMo, in the school term. Onlystudents eligible to be counted for average daily attendance shall becounted for membership;
(12) "Operating levy for school purposes", the sum of tax rateslevied for teachers' and incidental funds plus the operating levy or salestax equivalent pursuant to section 162.1100, RSMo, of any transitionalschool district containing the school district, in the payment year, notincluding any equalized operating levy for school purposes levied by aspecial school district in which the district is located;
(13) "Performance district", any district that has met allperformance standards and indicators as established by the department ofelementary and secondary education for purposes of accreditation undersection 161.092, RSMo, and as reported on the final annual performancereport for that district each year;
(14) "Performance levy", three dollars and forty-three cents;
(15) "School purposes" pertains to teachers' and incidental funds;
(16) "Special education pupil count", the number of public schoolstudents with a current individualized education program or services planand receiving services from the resident district as of December first ofthe preceding school year, except for special education services providedthrough a school district established under sections 162.815 to 162.940,RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and with more than onemillion inhabitants, in which case the sum of the students in each districtwithin the county exceeding the special education threshold of eachrespective district within the county shall be counted within the specialdistrict and not in the district of residence for purposes of distributingthe state aid derived from the special education pupil count;
(17) "Special education threshold" shall be calculated by dividingthe total special education pupil count of every performance district thatfalls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirely below the topfive percent of average daily attendance, when such districts arerank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per averagedaily attendance, by the total average daily attendance of all includedperformance districts;
(18) "State adequacy target", the sum of the current operatingexpenditures of every performance district that falls entirely above thebottom five percent and entirely below the top five percent of averagedaily attendance, when such districts are rank-ordered based on theircurrent operating expenditures per average daily attendance, divided by thetotal average daily attendance of all included performance districts. Thedepartment of elementary and secondary education shall first calculate thestate adequacy target for fiscal year 2007 and recalculate the stateadequacy target every two years using the most current available data. Therecalculation shall never result in a decrease from the previous stateadequacy target amount. Should a recalculation result in an increase inthe state adequacy target amount, fifty percent of that increase shall beincluded in the state adequacy target amount in the year of recalculation,and fifty percent of that increase shall be included in the state adequacytarget amount in the subsequent year. The state adequacy target may beadjusted to accommodate available appropriations;
(19) "Teacher", any teacher, teacher-secretary, substitute teacher,supervisor, principal, supervising principal, superintendent or assistantsuperintendent, school nurse, social worker, counselor or librarian whoshall, regularly, teach or be employed for no higher than grade twelve morethan one-half time in the public schools and who is certified under thelaws governing the certification of teachers in Missouri;
(20) "Weighted average daily attendance", the average dailyattendance plus the product of twenty-five hundredths multiplied by thefree and reduced lunch pupil count that exceeds the free and reduced lunchthreshold, plus the product of seventy-five hundredths multiplied by thenumber of special education pupil count that exceeds the special educationthreshold, plus the product of six-tenths multiplied by the number oflimited English proficiency pupil count that exceeds the limited Englishproficiency threshold. For special districts established under sections162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government andwith more than one million inhabitants, weighted average daily attendanceshall be the average daily attendance plus the product of twenty-fivehundredths multiplied by the free and reduced lunch pupil count thatexceeds the free and reduced lunch threshold, plus the product ofseventy-five hundredths multiplied by the sum of the special educationpupil count that exceeds the threshold for each county district, plus theproduct of six-tenths multiplied by the limited English proficiency pupilcount that exceeds the limited English proficiency threshold. None of thedistricts comprising a special district established under sections 162.815to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and withmore than one million inhabitants, shall use any special education pupilcount in calculating their weighted average daily attendance.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 4-1 merged with p. 335 § 161.021, A.L. 1967 p. 245, A.L. 1973 H.B. 38, H.B. 158, A.L. 1977 H.B. 130, H.B. 131, H.B. 187 (text taken from H.B. 131), A.L. 1982 adopted by Initiative, Proposition C, November 2, 1982, A.L. 1985 S.B. 152, A.L. 1986 S.B. 707 merged with H.B. 1441, A.L. 1988 S.B. 797, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1478, et al., A.L. 1993 S.B. 380, A.L. 1996 S.B. 795, et al., A.L. 1997 H.B. 628, A.L. 1998 S.B. 535, S.B. 781, A.L. 1999 H.B. 889, A.L. 2001 S.B. 353, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1711, A.L. 2005 S.B. 287, A.L. 2006 S.B. 894, A.L. 2007 S.B. 22 merged with S.B. 456, A.L. 2008 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition A, November 4, 2008, A.L. 2009 S.B. 291)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 161.021)
Effective 7-13-09
*Revisor's note: The language as enacted by Proposition A on November 4, 2008, follows.
As used in this chapter unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) "Adjusted operating levy", the sum of tax rates for the current year for teachers' and incidental funds for a school district as reported to the proper officer of each county pursuant to section 164.011, RSMo;
(2) "Average daily attendance", the quotient or the sum of the quotients obtained by dividing the total number of hours attended in a term by resident pupils between the ages of five and twenty-one by the actual number of hours school was in session in that term. To the average daily attendance of the following school term shall be added the full-time equivalent average daily attendance of summer school students. "Full-time equivalent average daily attendance of summer school students" shall be computed by dividing the total number of hours, except for physical education hours that do not count as credit toward graduation for students in grades nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, attended by all summer school pupils by the number of hours required in section 160.011, RSMo, in the school term. For purposes of determining average daily attendance under this subdivision, the term "resident pupil" shall include all children between the ages of five and twenty-one who are residents of the school district and who are attending kindergarten through grade twelve in such district. If a child is attending school in a district other than the district of residence and the child's parent is teaching in the school district or is a regular employee of the school district which the child is attending, then such child shall be considered a resident pupil of the school district which the child is attending for such period of time when the district of residence is not otherwise liable for tuition. Average daily attendance for students below the age of five years for which a school district may receive state aid based on such attendance shall be computed as regular school term attendance unless otherwise provided by law;
(3) "Current operating expenditures":
(a) For the fiscal year 2007 calculation, "current operating expenditures" shall be calculated using data from fiscal year 2004 and shall be calculated as all expenditures for instruction and support services except capital outlay and debt service expenditures minus the revenue from federal categorical sources; food service; student activities; categorical payments for transportation costs pursuant to section 163.161; state reimbursements for early childhood special education; the career ladder entitlement for the district, as provided for in sections 168.500 to 168.515, RSMo; the vocational education entitlement for the district, as provided for in section 167.332, RSMo; and payments from other districts;
(b) In every fiscal year subsequent to fiscal year 2007, current operating expenditures shall be the amount in paragraph (a) plus any increases in state funding pursuant to sections 163.031 and 163.043 subsequent to fiscal year 2005, not to exceed five percent, per recalculation, of the state revenue received by a district in the 2004-05 school year from the foundation formula, line 14, gifted, remedial reading, exceptional pupil aid, fair share, and free textbook payments for any district from the first preceding calculation of the state adequacy target;
(4) "District's tax rate ceiling", the highest tax rate ceiling in effect subsequent to the 1980 tax year or any subsequent year. Such tax rate ceiling shall not contain any tax levy for debt service;
(5) "Dollar-value modifier", an index of the relative purchasing power of a dollar, calculated as one plus fifteen percent of the difference of the regional wage ratio minus one, provided that the dollar value modifier shall not be applied at a rate less than 1.0:
(a) "County wage per job", the total county wage and salary disbursements divided by the total county wage and salary employment for each county and the city of St. Louis as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce for the fourth year preceding the payment year;
(b) "Regional wage per job":
a. The total Missouri wage and salary disbursements of the metropolitan area as defined by the Office of Management and Budget divided by the total Missouri metropolitan wage and salary employment for the metropolitan area for the county signified in the school district number or the city of St. Louis, as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce for the fourth year preceding the payment year and recalculated upon every decennial census to incorporate counties that are newly added to the description of metropolitan areas; or if no such metropolitan area is established, then:
b. The total Missouri wage and salary disbursements of the micropolitan area as defined by the Office of Management and Budget divided by the total Missouri micropolitan wage and salary employment for the micropolitan area for the county signified in the school district number, as reported by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United States Department of Commerce for the fourth year preceding the payment year, if a micropolitan area for such county has been established and recalculated upon every decennial census to incorporate counties that are newly added to the description of micropolitan areas; or
c. If a county is not part of a metropolitan or micropolitan area as established by the Office of Management and Budget, then the county wage per job, as defined in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, shall be used for the school district, as signified by the school district number;
(c) "Regional wage ratio", the ratio of the regional wage per job divided by the state median wage per job;
(d) "State median wage per job", the fifty-eighth highest county wage per job;
(6) "Free and reduced lunch pupil count", the number of pupils eligible for free and reduced lunch on the last Wednesday in January for the preceding school year who were enrolled as students of the district, as approved by the department in accordance with applicable federal regulations;
(7) "Free and reduced lunch threshold" shall be calculated by dividing the total free and reduced lunch pupil count of every performance district that falls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirely below the top five percent of average daily attendance, when such districts are rank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per average daily attendance, by the total average daily attendance of all included performance districts;
(8) "Limited English proficiency pupil count", the number in the preceding school year of pupils aged three through twenty-one enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary school or secondary school who were not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English or are Native American or Alaskan native, or a native resident of the outlying areas, and come from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on such individuals' level of English language proficiency, or are migratory, whose native language is a language other than English, and who come from an environment where a language other than English is dominant; and have difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language sufficient to deny such individuals the ability to meet the state's proficient level of achievement on state assessments described in Public Law 107-10, the ability to achieve successfully in classrooms where the language of instruction is English, or the opportunity to participate fully in society;
(9) "Limited English proficiency threshold" shall be calculated by dividing the total limited English proficiency pupil count of every performance district that falls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirely below the top five percent of average daily attendance, when such districts are rank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per average daily attendance, by the total average daily attendance of all included performance districts;
(10) "Local effort":
(a) For the fiscal year 2007 calculation, "local effort" shall be computed as the equalized assessed valuation of the property of a school district in calendar year 2004 divided by one hundred and multiplied by the performance levy less the percentage retained by the county assessor and collector plus one hundred percent of the amount received in fiscal year 2005 for school purposes from intangible taxes, fines, escheats, payments in lieu of taxes and receipts from state-assessed railroad and utility tax, one hundred percent of the amount received for school purposes pursuant to the merchants' and manufacturers' taxes under sections 150.010 to 150.370, RSMo, one hundred percent of the amounts received for school purposes from federal properties under sections 12.070 and 12.080, RSMo, except when such amounts are used in the calculation of federal impact aid pursuant to P.L. 81-874, fifty percent of Proposition C revenues received for school purposes from the school district trust fund under section 163.087, and one hundred percent of any local earnings or income taxes received by the district for school purposes. Under this paragraph, for a special district established under sections 162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, a tax levy of zero shall be utilized in lieu of the performance levy for the special school district;
(b) In every year subsequent to fiscal year 2007, "local effort" shall be the amount calculated under paragraph (a) of this subdivision plus any increase in the amount received for school purposes from fines. If a district's assessed valuation has decreased subsequent to the calculation outlined in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the district's local effort shall be calculated using the district's current assessed valuation in lieu of the assessed valuation utilized in calculation outlined in paragraph (a) of this subdivision;
(11) "Membership" shall be the average of:
(a) The number of resident full-time students and the full-time equivalent number of part-time students who were enrolled in the public schools of the district on the last Wednesday in September of the previous year and who were in attendance one day or more during the preceding ten school days; and
(b) The number of resident full-time students and the full-time equivalent number of part-time students who were enrolled in the public schools of the district on the last Wednesday in January of the previous year and who were in attendance one day or more during the preceding ten school days, plus the full-time equivalent number of summer school pupils. "Full-time equivalent number of part-time students" is determined by dividing the total number of hours for which all part-time students are enrolled by the number of hours in the school term. "Full-time equivalent number of summer school pupils" is determined by dividing the total number of hours for which all summer school pupils were enrolled by the number of hours required pursuant to section 160.011, RSMo, in the school term. Only students eligible to be counted for average daily attendance shall be counted for membership;
(12) "Operating levy for school purposes", the sum of tax rates levied for teachers' and incidental funds plus the operating levy or sales tax equivalent pursuant to section 162.1100, RSMo, of any transitional school district containing the school district, in the payment year, not including any equalized operating levy for school purposes levied by a special school district in which the district is located;
(13) "Performance district", any district that has met all performance standards and indicators as established by the department of elementary and secondary education for purposes of accreditation under section 161.092, RSMo, and as reported on the final annual performance report for that district each year;
(14) "Performance levy", three dollars and forty-three cents;
(15) "School purposes" pertains to teachers' and incidental funds;
(16) "Special education pupil count", the number of public school students with a current individualized education program and receiving services from the resident district as of December first of the preceding school year, except for special education services provided through a school district established under sections 162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, in which case the sum of the students in each district within the county exceeding the special education threshold of each respective district within the county shall be counted within the special district and not in the district of residence for purposes of distributing the state aid derived from the special education pupil count;
(17) "Special education threshold" shall be calculated by dividing the total special education pupil count of every performance district that falls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirely below the top five percent of average daily attendance, when such districts are rank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per average daily attendance, by the total average daily attendance of all included performance districts;
(18) "State adequacy target", the sum of the current operating expenditures of every performance district that falls entirely above the bottom five percent and entirely below the top five percent of average daily attendance, when such districts are rank-ordered based on their current operating expenditures per average daily attendance, divided by the total average daily attendance of all included performance districts plus the total amount of funds placed in the schools first elementary and secondary education improvement fund in the preceding fiscal year divided by the total average daily attendance of all school districts for the preceding fiscal year. The department of elementary and secondary education shall first calculate the state adequacy target for fiscal year 2007 and recalculate the state adequacy target every two years using the most current available data; provided that the state adequacy target shall be recalculated every year to reflect the per-pupil amount of funds placed in the schools first elementary and secondary education improvement fund in the preceding fiscal year. The recalculation shall never result in a decrease from the previous state adequacy target amount. Should a recalculation result in an increase in the state adequacy target amount, fifty percent of that increase shall be included in the state adequacy target amount in the year of recalculation, and fifty percent of that increase shall be included in the state adequacy target amount in the subsequent year. The state adequacy target may be adjusted to accommodate available appropriations;
(19) "Teacher", any teacher, teacher-secretary, substitute teacher, supervisor, principal, supervising principal, superintendent or assistant superintendent, school nurse, social worker, counselor or librarian who shall, regularly, teach or be employed for no higher than grade twelve more than one-half time in the public schools and who is certified under the laws governing the certification of teachers in Missouri;
(20) "Weighted average daily attendance", the average daily attendance plus the product of twenty-five hundredths multiplied by the free and reduced lunch pupil count that exceeds the free and reduced lunch threshold, plus the product of seventy-five hundredths multiplied by the number of special education pupil count that exceeds the special education threshold, and plus the product of six-tenths multiplied by the number of limited English proficiency pupil count that exceeds the limited English proficiency threshold. For special districts established under sections 162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, weighted average daily attendance shall be the average daily attendance plus the product of twenty-five hundredths multiplied by the free and reduced lunch pupil count that exceeds the free and reduced lunch threshold, plus the product of seventy-five hundredths multiplied by the sum of the special education pupil count that exceeds the threshold for each county district, plus the product of six-tenths multiplied by the limited English proficiency pupil count that exceeds the limited English proficiency threshold. None of the districts comprising a special district established under sections 162.815 to 162.940, RSMo, in a county with a charter form of government and with more than one million inhabitants, shall use any special education pupil count in calculating their weighted average daily attendance.