162.935. State aid, how computed.
State aid, how computed.
162.935. 1. Except as provided in subsection 3 of this section, eachspecial district formed under provisions of sections 162.670 to 162.999shall receive an amount equal to the district's weighted average dailyattendance multiplied by the state adequacy target multiplied by the dollarvalue modifier minus local effort minus payments from the classroom trustfund. A student enrolled in classes or programs in both the specialdistrict and a component district or a pupil enrolled in a local districtwho needs itinerant or temporary services provided by the special districtshall continue his enrollment in the local district for purposes ofapportionment of state aid on average daily attendance. The specialdistrict may include the pupil in classes approved for special categoricalaid. The district providing transportation may claim state transportationaid.
2. Any special school district which is in a county of the firstclassification which has a population greater than nine hundred thousand isentitled to apportionment of state aid even though the tax rate levied bythe special school district is less than that required by section 163.021,RSMo.
3. For the purposes of determining state aid pursuant to section163.031, RSMo, the weighted average daily attendance of a school districtwithin any special school district which is not in a county of the firstclassification which has a population greater than nine hundred thousandshall reflect the average daily attendance of all pupils resident in thedistrict and educated by the district or by the special school district, orboth. The department shall pay the funds so calculated to the schooldistrict. The school district shall pay monthly to the special schooldistrict the proportional amount of state aid based on the weighted averagedaily attendance of students educated by the special school district to thetotal weighted average daily attendance of students educated by thedistrict and the special school district.
(L. 1973 H.B. 474 § 58, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1441, A.L. 1998 S.B. 781, A.L. 2005 S.B. 287)Effective 7-01-06