162.890. Special district to assume full responsibility for handicapped or severely handicapped children--exception, transition period.
Special district to assume full responsibility for handicapped orseverely handicapped children--exception, transition period.
162.890. If a special district is organized in any area ofthis state under the provisions of sections 162.670 to 162.995,neither the state board of education nor any school districtwithin the special district shall be required to establishschools or classes for the training or education of handicappedor severely handicapped children under any other existing law,except that the component districts included in a newly formedspecial district and the state board of education shall continueto provide services formerly provided for children residing inthe district until the resources of the special district aresufficient to permit its assuming such responsibilities. In noinstance shall component districts or the state board ofeducation be required to provide special education classes forthe training or education of these children for more than oneschool term after the special district has been formed.
(L. 1973 H.B. 474 § 49, A.L. 1977 H.B. 130)