162.875. District a body corporate and a political subdivision--powers granted.
District a body corporate and a political subdivision--powers granted.
162.875. When the new district is organized, it shall be abody corporate and political subdivision of the state and shallbe known as "The Special District of ......" (a name selected bythe governing board) and, in that name, may sue and be sued, levyand collect taxes within the limitations of the Constitution ofMissouri* and section 162.920, issue bonds and possess the samecorporate powers as seven-director school districts, other thanurban districts. All constitutional provisions and lawsapplicable to the organization and government of seven-directorschool districts, other than urban districts, are applicable todistricts organized prior to the passage of sections 162.670 to162.995.
(L. 1973 H.B. 474 § 46)Effective 7-1-74
*Words "of Missouri" do not appear in original rolls.