162.858. Public review committee and parental advisory committee of special school district with population of more than 100,000--appointment of members--powers and duties.
Public review committee and parental advisory committee of specialschool district with population of more than 100,000--appointment ofmembers--powers and duties.
162.858. 1. On or before July 1, 1997, and every four yearsthereafter, a public review committee shall be appointed to conduct athorough review of a special school district with a population greater thanone hundred thousand persons including the structure, governance,administration, financial management, delivery of services, cooperationwith component school districts, the district's role as an advocate forhandicapped and severely handicapped children, compliance with sections162.850 to 162.859, regarding conflicts and responsiveness to the needs andconcerns of the citizens of the special school district. The committeeshall investigate, document and determine the validity or invalidity to theextent possible of allegations relating to these matters. Any suchallegation shall be addressed in writing and shall be delivered to thegoverning council and school board for resolution, as required. Thecommittee shall consist of three members appointed by the commissioner ofeducation, three members appointed by the governing council of the districtand three members appointed by the parental advisory committee establishedin this section*. All members of the public review committee shall beregistered voters of the special school district who have resided withinthe state for one year next preceding the appointment of the committee andwho are at least twenty-four years of age. The committee may hold publichearings and gather information and shall make recommendations based uponfactual findings. No later than July first of the year following the yearin which the committee is appointed, the committee shall complete itsreview and submit a report containing its findings and recommendations tothe board of education of the special school district, the governingcouncil and the general assembly, and the report shall be made available tothe public upon request. The department of elementary and secondaryeducation shall provide staff resources to assist in the review, and thedistrict budget shall provide sufficient resources, including staff andconsultants, upon request of the public review committee. The publicreview committee may propose, if needed, a revised structure of the boardof education of the special school district, or a revised structure for theselection of the members of the board of education of the special schooldistrict, or both, and may cause the county election authority to placesuch proposal before the voters of the special school district for approvaland adoption, and any such issue shall become effective thirty days afterapproval and adoption by the voters of the district or on such other, laterdate as provided in the issue placed before the voters. Any such issueshall be proposed no later than July first of the year following the yearin which the committee is appointed, and the issue shall be submitted tothe voters on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in theyear following the year in which the committee is appointed in the mannerprovided pursuant to chapter 115, RSMo. The structure of the board ofeducation and the selection of members of the board of education of aspecial school district with a population of more than one hundred thousandpersons shall be as established pursuant to section 162.867, except as maybe otherwise approved by the voters of the special school district underthis subsection.
2. There is hereby established a parental advisory committee whichshall consult with the governing council and the board of education onissues involving pupils or parents of pupils of the district, includingprocedures for parental rights in resolution conferences and otherproceedings regarding disputes between a parent and the local schooldistrict, the special school district or both, over the education of apupil. The governing council shall establish a process for selection ofthe members of the parental advisory committee which shall provide formembers to be independently selected by parents of pupils of the specialschool district.
(L. 1996 S.B. 687)Effective 5-24-96
*Original rolls contain "section 162.858".