162.856. Governing council of special school districts with population of more than 100,000--members--powers and duties.
Governing council of special school districts with population of morethan 100,000--members--powers and duties.
162.856. 1. In each special school district with a population inexcess of one hundred thousand persons, there is hereby established a"Governing Council" which shall consist of one member of the board ofeducation of each school district, all or a portion of which is containedin the special school district. The first governing council shall beformed on or before May 31, 1996,* or the effective date of this section,May 24, 1996, whichever is later. Each member of the governing councilshall be elected by the board of education of the school district on whichthe member serves. The board of education of a school district within thespecial school district may elect a new member to the governing council tofill a vacancy from that district and may replace the existing districtmember on the governing council at any time, upon providing written noticeof the change to the secretary of the governing council.
2. The governing council of a special school district shall have thefollowing powers and duties:
(1) To establish such rules and procedures as may be necessary tocarry out its powers and duties as provided in this section;
(2) To elect a chairman, a secretary and such other officers as itdeems necessary;
(3) To review and give final approval of the annual budget of thespecial school district subject to the following provisions:
(a) For the 1996-97, 1997-98 and 1998-99 school years, the board ofeducation of a special school district shall submit its proposed budget tothe governing council no later than April first prior to the beginning ofthe school year, except that, for the 1996-97 school year only, the boardof education shall submit its proposed budget to the governing council nolater than thirty days after May 24, 1996. The governing council shallthen either accept this budget proposal or make any amendments it deemsappropriate and adopt the annual budget as amended no later than sixty daysafter receipt of the proposed budget;
(b) For the 1999-2000 school year and each school year thereafter:
a. The board of education of a special school district shall develop,in cooperation with the governing council, its annual budget which shall,following adoption by the board, be submitted to the governing council nolater than April first prior to the beginning of the school year for finalapproval;
b. The governing council shall accept or reject the proposed budgetby May first prior to the beginning of the school year. If rejected, theproposed budget shall be returned to the board of education no later thanMay first with a statement setting forth the reasons for the rejection;
c. The governing council and the board of education shall resolveany differences regarding approval of the budget by June thirtieth prior tothe beginning of the school year;
(4) To annually review, conduct public hearings on and approve arolling five-year plan for the operation and management of the districtwhich shall be annually developed by the board of education of the specialschool district. The plan shall contain, but not be limited to, thefollowing:
(a) The delivery of services;
(b) The structure, governance, administration and financialmanagement of the district;
(c) Cooperation with component school districts; and
(d) Responsiveness to the needs and concerns of the citizens of thespecial school district.
The plan shall be first approved by the governing council on or beforeDecember 31, 1996, and shall be reviewed and approved annually on or beforeDecember thirty-first of each following year;
(5) To consult with the parental advisory committee established insection 162.858;
(6) To hold at least four meetings per school year and such othermeetings, called by the chairman of the council, a majority of the councilmembers or the board of education of the special school district, as may benecessary to transact business and fulfill the duties established underthis section. All meetings of the governing council shall be open to thepublic, pursuant to chapter 610, RSMo. Minutes shall be kept of allproceedings and shall be a public record;
(7) To compel the attendance of the superintendent, members of theboard of education, or any employee of the special school district and theproduction of papers, records, testimony, and other materials relating tothe special school district, and to administer oaths to witnesses and taketestimony under oath;
(8) To conduct a study to determine whether a plan should bedeveloped whereby the local school districts assume greater responsibilityand authority in the education of children with disabilities.
3. Unless a greater majority is otherwise required, all actions ofthe governing council shall require a majority of the authorized memberswho represent at least fifty percent of the population of the district.Population figures shall be adjusted based on the latest census dataavailable.
(L. 1996 S.B. 687)Effective 5-24-96
*Governing council shall be formed on or before May 31, 1996, the later date.