162.835. State board to review petition, when--plan for election districts within a special district required, when--submission to voters, when.
State board to review petition, when--plan for election districtswithin a special district required, when--submission to voters,when.
162.835. Where a petition for a special district proposes adistrict whose boundaries do not coincide with county boundariesat all points, the petition shall be reviewed and approved by thestate board of education before submission to the voters. Inaddition to the petition, a feasibility study shall be presentedto the state board of education. The study shall include and thestate board shall consider the proposed district's feasibility asto need, financial adequacy, number of students, other availableservices in the vicinity, and the needs of surrounding districtsnot included. Where the proposed district has a population inexcess of one hundred thousand, there shall be presented to thestate board of education a plan for dividing the area of theproposed special district into six election districts of equalpopulation taking into account, insofar as possible, the existingschool district boundary lines. Upon approval by the state boardof education or, if no action is taken by the state board ofeducation, after the expiration of sixty days from the date thepetition is received by the state board of education, the stateboard of education shall direct the board of directors of eachschool district comprising the proposed special district to causethe proposal to be submitted to the voters in each district inaccordance with section 162.825.
(L. 1973 H.B. 474 § 38)Effective 7-1-74