162.821. District secretary, duties of--report, contents of.
District secretary, duties of--report, contents of.
162.821. The district secretary shall keep a record of theproceedings of all annual and special elections of the voters ofthe district and of the proceedings of the board of education.He shall make copies of the election notices, contracts withteachers, certificates and all other papers relating to thebusiness of the district, and securely keep the same. He shallmaintain a correct plat of the district and shall promptly notifythe department of elementary and secondary education and thecounty clerk of each county affected of all changes in theboundaries of the district. He shall transmit to the countycommission and to the state department of elementary andsecondary education, on or before the fifteenth day of August ineach year, a report embracing the following items:
(1) The number of children, male and female, attending thepublic schools during the year;
(2) Total number of days' attendance by all such children;
(3) The number of days the public schools of the districthave been maintained during the school year;
(4) The number of teachers employed, male and female, andthe wages per month of each;
(5) Estimated value of school property owned and managed bythe district;
(6) Assessed valuation of the district;
(7) Rate of school tax on the assessed valuation of thedistrict;
(8) Cash on hand at the beginning of the year;
(9) Tuition fees received and credited to the teachers' fundof the district;
(10) Public funds received by county treasurer;
(11) District tax received by county (or township)treasurer;
(12) Amount paid on teachers' wages;
(13) Amount paid for incidental expenses;
(14) Amount expended for purchasing site, erectingschoolhouses, rent and repairs;
(15) Amount expended in canceling bonded indebtedness andpaying interest on same;
(16) Amount expended for library;
(17) Cash on hand at the end of the year;
(18) Such other information as may be required by the stateboard of education.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 3-82, A.L. 1973 H.B. 158, A.L. 1979 H.B. 280, A.L. 1988 S.B. 789)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.220)