162.715. Special training for special educational programs--professional personnel required to obtain state aid.
Special training for special educational programs--professionalpersonnel required to obtain state aid.
162.715. State aid shall not be granted unless theprofessional personnel employed in special educational programshave been specially trained for work in the programs and theamount of such training shall be in accordance with regulationspromulgated by the state board of education. In approvingspecial education programs for state aid, the department ofelementary and secondary education shall determine that thequality of programming, the supportive staff and services,facilities, supplies and transportation are at least equal tothat provided normal children attending school in the district.Supporting auxiliary personnel to assist teachers of handicappedand severely handicapped children may be employed in accordancewith standards established by the state board of education.
(L. 1973 H.B. 474 § 10)Effective 7-1-74