162.685. Hearings by state board on adoption of standards and regulations.
Hearings by state board on adoption of standards and regulations.
162.685. The state board of education shall adopt, after atleast one public hearing has been held by the commissioner ofeducation on each subsection of this section and upon hisrecommendation and, after consulting with recognized authoritiesin the field:
(1) Standards to be used throughout the state of Missouri indetermining whether children shall be defined under sections162.670 to 162.995 as "handicapped children" or "severelyhandicapped children", together with regulations implementingthese standards;
(2) Regulations governing evaluation and reevaluation ofhandicapped and severely handicapped children prior to and duringassignment in a special educational program; provided, however,each child assigned to a special educational program shall befully reevaluated on a regular basis;
(3) Standards for approval of all special education programsestablished under the provisions of sections 162.670 to 162.995including, but not limited to, the qualifications of professionalpersonnel employed in such programs and the standards to be usedin determining the assignment of each child requiring specialeducational services to the program which best suits the needs ofthe child;
(4) Regulations determining the number of enrolled childrenwhich constitutes an approved special program including provisionfor approval by the state board of education of a program of lessthan the established number if, upon investigation by the statedepartment of elementary and secondary education and upon therecommendation of the commissioner of education, it is found aspecial need exists;
(5) Regulations to be used in determining the eligibility ofchildren in special education programs to attend less than aschool day pursuant to section 167.031, RSMo 1969, and indetermining the amount of state aid to be paid on a pro ratabasis for part-time attendance or programs.
(L. 1973 H.B. 474 § 4)