162.321. Change of district name--effect.
Change of district name--effect.
162.321. 1. The board of education of any seven-directordistrict may change the name of the district by unanimous consentof the members of the board, the name to comply with anyapplicable regulations of the state board of education, afterfirst giving notice of the change by publication in somenewspaper published in the county in which the district islocated. The notice shall be published once a week for at leastthree consecutive weeks. The first publication shall be made notless than three weeks prior to the date upon which the boardproposes to make the change of name, and the last publicationshall be made not more than seven days prior to that date.However, if a petition signed by twenty voters residing withinthe district is filed with the board on or before the datespecified in the notice protesting against the change of namethen the proposed change of name shall be presented as a questionat the next municipal election. If the question is assented toby a majority of the voters of the district voting on thequestion, the board of education shall declare the change of nameto be in effect.
2. The changing of the name of the school district underthis section shall in no way change its classification or haveany effect upon its contracts, indebtedness, existence, or otherrights and liabilities.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 3-32, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.265)