162.303. Failure of member to attend board meetings, effect--attendance, defined--vacancies, how filled.
Failure of member to attend board meetings, effect--attendance,defined--vacancies, how filled.
162.303. 1. For the purposes of this section, "attendance"shall be defined as actual, physical attendance at the boardmeeting until all of the business of the board has been completedunless a member is excused by a majority of the board. Thissubsection shall not apply to seven-director districts.
2. Any member of the school board of a seven-directordistrict, including urban districts, failing to attend themeetings of the board for three consecutive regular meetings,unless excused by the board for reasons satisfactory to theboard, shall be deemed to have vacated the seat; and thesecretary of the board shall certify that fact to the board. Thevacancy shall be filled as other vacancies occurring in theboard.
(L. 1983 H.B. 815, A.L. 1992 S.B. 485)