162.223. Consolidation of seven-director districts--petition by voters or call for election by two or more boards of education--ballot form--procedure--new district declared, when--commissioner's
Consolidation of seven-director districts--petition by voters or callfor election by two or more boards of education--ballotform--procedure--new district declared, when--commissioner'spowers--board members, how determined.
162.223. 1. When the voters in any two or more adjacent districtswithout limitation as to size or enrollment desire to consolidate and forma new district, a petition asking for an election upon the question ofconsolidation shall be filed with the boards of education of the affecteddistricts; provided, however, that such petition shall be signed by tenpercent of those in each district who voted for school directors at thelast election in which such directors were elected, or one hundred voters,whichever is the higher number.
2. As an alternative to the procedure in subsection 1 of thissection, two or more adjacent districts may, by a majority vote of eachboard of education, call for an election upon the question ofconsolidation.
3. The question shall be submitted in substantially the followingform:
Shall the . . . . . . school district and the . . . . . . . schooldistrict (and the . . . . . . school district) form a new district with atax rate ceiling of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per one hundred dollars ofassessed valuation? If this proposition is approved, the adjustedoperating levy of the new school district is estimated to be . . . . . . .. . . . . . . (amount) per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation.
4. The board of directors of each affected district shall cause thequestion to be included on the ballot to be submitted to the voters in eachsuch district at the next election day. A plat of the proposed newdistrict shall be published and posted with the notices of election.
5. The results of the voting on the proposal in each districtaffected shall be certified to the state commissioner of education by thesecretary of each board of education of each district or by such otherperson or body charged with conducting such elections and, should themajority of the votes cast in each affected district be in favor of theproposal, the state commissioner shall declare the new district formed asof July first following the submission of the question.
6. If the commissioner of education declares, before the closing datefor filing for the election of board members on the municipal electiondate, that the new district is to be formed as of July first, no candidatesshall be certified by the districts involved in the consolidation and theboard members whose terms would otherwise have expired on that date shallremain as board members until July first. In consolidation cases wherethere is insufficient time from the date the commissioner of educationdeclares that the new district shall be formed as of July first and Julyfirst to hold an election of board members, seven board members from theboards of the consolidating districts shall be drawn by lot to serve untilthe next election at which the new board of education can be elected. Thenumber of board members selected from one district shall not exceed thequotient resulting from seven divided by the number of districtsconsolidating rounded down to the nearest whole number plus one. Thecommissioner of education or a designee shall supervise the drawing, bylot, of the board members which shall be approved by the state board ofeducation.
(L. 1969 p. 260, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1992 S.B. 581, A.L. 1997 H.B. 521)