162.221. Seven-director district, procedure to organize.
Seven-director district, procedure to organize.
162.221. 1. When the voters of any one or more districts asauthorized in section 162.211, except those districts designatedin subdivision (2) thereof, desire to form a seven-directordistrict, a petition signed by at least ten percent in number ofthose voting for school board members in the last annual schoolelection in each district or one hundred voters, whichever is thehigher number, shall be filed with the state board of education.On receipt of the petition, a representative of the statedepartment of education, designated by the commissioner ofeducation, shall visit the districts and determine the exactboundaries of the proposed seven-director district. In determiningthese boundaries, he shall so locate the boundary lines as willin his judgment form the best possible seven-director district,having due regard also to the welfare of adjoining districts.
2. Within sixty days after the receipt of the petition, thecommissioner of education shall submit the question to the votersof the proposed district. The notice shall include a statementof the purpose together with a plat of the proposed district.The state commissioner shall file a copy of the petition and ofthe plat with the county clerk. The election shall be conductedin the manner provided in section 162.191.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 3-22, A.L. 1969 p. 260, A.L. 1973 H.B. 158, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.283)