162.1052. Rejection of admission of a nonresident by nonresident district, when.
Rejection of admission of a nonresident by nonresident district, when.
162.1052. Notwithstanding any provision of sections162.1040 to 162.1059 to the contrary, a nonresident district mayreject an application for admission by a nonresident pupil ifthe:
(1) Dwelling in which the nonresident pupil resides with aparent, guardian or other person having charge, control orcustody of the pupil is not within ten miles of the nonresidentdistrict; or
(2) Physical structures where the student will be attendingclasses in the school district of residence are closer to thestructure in which the nonresident pupil resides than are thephysical structures where the student will be attending classesof the nonresident district.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1218 § 3 subsec. 1)