162.1010. New schools pilot project established--management of schools, bids--eligible schools--exemptions--evaluation.
New schools pilot project established--management of schools,bids--eligible schools--exemptions--evaluation.
162.1010. 1. By July 1, 1995, the state board of educationshall have determined and implemented a process to pilot test arevised management system involving three school sites in thestate. To be called "The New Schools Pilot Project", the boardshall solicit volunteering school districts that will commit toparticipating in the project for a five-year period.
2. (1) At each of the three school sites in the project,the management of the school shall be vested in a five-membermanagement team selected from bids received by a local board ofeducation, or by a combination of cooperating local boards ofeducation as stipulated by contract agreement between or amongsuch local boards. In the selection of the management team,technical assistance may be provided to the local school board orboards, as requested, by the department of elementary andsecondary education. The provisions of other law to the contrarynotwithstanding, the state board of education may exempt fromcertification requirements not more than two members of themanagement team. One member of the five-member management teamshall be designated as principal of the project school.
(2) No bid shall be selected which is submitted by afor-profit corporation. The percent of the school budgetallocated for administrative purposes shall not exceed theaverage percent spent for administrative purposes for the mostrecently completed school year at other schools operated by thelocal school board or boards. No member of the management teamshall profit in any way from the project other than from salariesreceived which shall be outlined in each bid submitted.
(3) Using the assessment system established under section160.518, RSMo, or until such assessment system is available,using the alternative indicators approved under the provisions ofsubsection 3 of section 160.518, RSMo, the state board ofeducation shall make every attempt when selecting schools forparticipation in this project to select one school which isperforming above average, one school which is performing at theaverage and one school which is performing below average. Underno circumstances shall more than two schools be chosen from anyone of the above categories.
3. Staffing and personnel decisions for the schools in theproject shall be vested in the management teams for the durationof the project; provided that all certificated staff shall bepaid according to the salary schedule adopted by the district.All laws concerning teacher contracts shall apply.
4. No penalty provided for in, or pursuant to, section160.538, RSMo, and section 163.023, RSMo, shall apply for anyschool participating in the project.
5. The state board of education shall waive, forparticipating schools, such rules and regulations as it maydetermine.
6. The commissioner of education shall develop a procedurefor the evaluation of the new schools pilot project, includingrecommended means for expanding desirable elements of the projectto other school districts in the state.
(L. 1993 S.B. 380 § 18)*Contingent expiration date. See section 143.107.
(1996) Contingent referendum provision was found to be an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority thereby making section 143.107 void. Akin v. Director of Revenue, 934 S.W.2d 295 (Mo.banc).