162.083. Special administrative board, additional members authorized--term of office--return to local governance, when.
Special administrative board, additional members authorized--term ofoffice--return to local governance, when.
162.083. 1. The state board of education may appoint additionalmembers to any special administrative board appointed under section162.081.
2. The state board of education may set a final term of office forany member of a special administrative board, after which a successormember shall be elected by the voters of the district.
(1) All final terms of office for members of the specialadministrative board established under this section shall expire on Junethirtieth.
(2) The election of a successor member shall occur on the generalmunicipal election day immediately prior to the expiration of the finalterm of office.
(3) The election shall be conducted in a manner consistent with theelection laws applicable to the school district.
3. Nothing in this section shall be construed as barring an otherwisequalified member of the special administrative board from standing for anelected term on the board.
4. If the state board of education appoints a successor member toreplace the chair of the special administrative board, the serving membersof the special administrative board shall be authorized to appoint asuperintendent of schools and contract for his or her services.
5. On a date set by the state board of education, any districtoperating under the governance of a special administrative board shallreturn to local governance, and continue operation as a school district asotherwise authorized by law.
(L. 2009 S.B. 291)