162.031. Division or addition to district--apportionment of property and obligations.
Division or addition to district--apportionment of property andobligations.
162.031. 1. Whenever (1) a seven-director school district iscreated out of one or more school districts, or (2) the boundarylines of any district are changed by the changing of the boundarylines of any city, incorporated town, or school district, or (3)any part of any school district is annexed to any other districtor districts, the board of the school district from which landhas been taken and the school board of the district to which landhas been added, or which has been newly created, shall make ajust and proper adjustment and apportionment of all schoolproperty, real and personal, including moneys and a likeapportionment of indebtedness, if any, to and among the schooldistricts. The adjustment and apportionment shall be made as ofthe date of the vote of the electors effecting the annexation,change of boundaries or creation.
2. In making the adjustment and apportionment of propertyand indebtedness mentioned in subsection 1 of this section, theassessed value of land acquired by or taken from the districts,as compared with the assessed value of the other land in thedistricts, as well as the value of the school grounds, togetherwith the buildings thereon, and the furniture and equipmenttherein, and any other school property in the districts, shall betaken into consideration in determining the amount, if any, thatshall be paid by one district to another, or in apportioning theindebtedness, if any, that shall be assumed and paid by any ofthe districts. The adjustment and apportionment of property andindebtedness shall be made by the school boards of the severaldistricts concerned, before or during the first school year afterthe boundaries are changed.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 3-3, A.L. 1992 S.B. 581)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.014)
Effective 4-17-92