160.526. Development of academic standards and assessment system, criteria--assistance of experts--notification of implementation of system, legislative veto--professional advice and counsel.

Development of academic standards and assessment system,criteria--assistance of experts--notification of implementationof system, legislative veto--professional advice and counsel.

160.526. 1. In establishing the academic standards authorized bysubsection 1 of section 160.514 and the statewide assessment systemauthorized by subsection 1 of section 160.518, the state board of educationshall consider the work that has been done by other states, recognizedregional and national experts, professional education discipline-basedassociations and other professional education associations. Further, inestablishing the academic standards and statewide assessment system, thestate board of education shall adopt the work that has been done byconsortia of other states and, subject to appropriations, may contract withsuch consortia to implement the provisions of sections 160.514 and 160.518.

2. The state board of education shall, by contract enlist theassistance of such national experts, as approved by the commissionestablished pursuant to section 160.510, to receive reports, advice andcounsel on a regular basis pertaining to the validity and reliability ofthe statewide assessment system. The reports from such experts shall bereceived by the commission, which shall make a final determinationconcerning the reliability and validity of the statewide assessment system.Within six months prior to implementation of the statewide assessmentsystem, the commissioner of education shall inform the president protempore of the senate and the speaker of the house about the procedures toimplement the assessment system, including a report related to thereliability and validity of the assessment instruments, and the generalassembly may, within the next sixty legislative days, veto suchimplementation by concurrent resolution adopted by majority vote of boththe senate and the house of representatives.

3. The commissioner of education shall establish a procedure for thestate board of education to regularly receive advice and counsel fromprofessional educators at all levels in the state, district boards ofeducation, parents, representatives from business and industry, and laborand community leaders pertaining to the implementation of sections 160.514and 160.518. The procedure shall include, at a minimum, the appointment ofad hoc committees and shall be in addition to the advice and counselobtained from the commission pursuant to section 160.510.

(L. 1993 S.B. 380 § 6, A.L. 1998 S.B. 781)

*Contingent expiration date. See section 143.107.

(1996) Contingent referendum provision was found to be an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority thereby making section 143.107 void. Akin v. Director of Revenue, 934 S.W.2d 295 (Mo.banc).