160.410. Admission, preferences for admission permitted, when--study of performance to be commissioned by department, costs, contents, results to be made public.

Admission, preferences for admission permitted, when--study ofperformance to be commissioned by department, costs, contents,results to be made public.

160.410. 1. A charter school shall enroll:

(1) All pupils resident in the district in which it operates;

(2) Nonresident pupils eligible to attend a district's school underan urban voluntary transfer program; and

(3) In the case of a workplace charter school, any student eligibleto attend under subdivision (1) or (2) of this subsection whose parent isemployed in the business district, who submits a timely application, unlessthe number of applications exceeds the capacity of a program, class, gradelevel or building. The configuration of a business district shall be setforth in the charter and shall not be construed to create an undueadvantage for a single employer or small number of employers.

2. If capacity is insufficient to enroll all pupils who submit atimely application, the charter school shall have an admissions processthat assures all applicants of an equal chance of gaining admission exceptthat:

(1) A charter school may establish a geographical area around theschool whose residents will receive a preference for enrolling in theschool, provided that such preferences do not result in the establishmentof racially or socioeconomically isolated schools and provided suchpreferences conform to policies and guidelines established by the stateboard of education; and

(2) A charter school may also give a preference for admission ofchildren whose siblings attend the school or whose parents are employed atthe school or in the case of a workplace charter school, a child whoseparent is employed in the business district or at the business site of suchschool.

3. A charter school shall not limit admission based on race,ethnicity, national origin, disability, gender, income level, proficiencyin the English language or athletic ability, but may limit admission topupils within a given age group or grade level.

4. The department of elementary and secondary education shallcommission a study of the performance of students at each charter school incomparison with an equivalent group of district students representing anequivalent demographic and geographic population and a study of the impactof charter schools upon the constituents they serve in the districts inwhich they are located, to be conducted by the joint committee oneducation. The charter school study shall include analysis of theadministrative and instructional practices of each charter school and shallinclude findings on innovative programs that illustrate best practices andlend themselves to replication or incorporation in other schools. Thejoint committee on education shall coordinate with individuals representingcharter public schools and the districts in which charter schools arelocated in conducting the study. The study of a charter school's studentperformance in relation to a comparable group shall be designed to provideinformation that would allow parents and educators to make validcomparisons of academic performance between the charter school's studentsand an equivalent group of district students representing an equivalentdemographic and geographic population. The student performance assessmentand comparison shall include, but may not be limited to:

(1) Missouri assessment program test performance and aggregate growthover several years;

(2) Student reenrollment rates;

(3) Educator, parent, and student satisfaction data;

(4) Graduation rates in secondary programs; and

(5) Performance of students enrolled in the same public school forthree or more consecutive years.

The impact study shall be undertaken every two years to determine theimpact of charter schools on the constituents they serve in the districtswhere charter schools are operated. The impact study shall include, but isnot limited to, determining if changes have been made in district policy orprocedures attributable to the charter school and to perceived changes inattitudes and expectations on the part of district personnel, school boardmembers, parents, students, the business community and other educationstakeholders. The department of elementary and secondary education shallmake the results of the studies public and shall deliver copies to thegoverning boards of the charter schools, the sponsors of the charterschools, the school board and superintendent of the districts in which thecharter schools are operated.

5. A charter school shall make available for public inspection, andprovide upon request, to the parent, guardian, or other custodian of anyschool-age pupil resident in the district in which the school is locatedthe following information:

(1) The school's charter;

(2) The school's most recent annual report card published accordingto section 160.522; and

(3) The results of background checks on the charter school's boardmembers.

The charter school may charge reasonable fees, not to exceed the ratespecified in section 610.026, RSMo, for furnishing copies of documentsunder this subsection.

(L. 1998 S.B. 781 § 6, A.L. 2005 S.B. 287, A.L. 2009 S.B. 291)