143.011. Resident individuals--tax rates.
Resident individuals--tax rates.
143.011. A tax is hereby imposed for every taxable year on the Missouritaxable income of every resident. The tax shall be determined by applying thetax table or the rate provided in section 143.021, which is based upon thefollowing rates:
If the Missouri taxable income is: The tax is:
Not over $1,000.00 ...................... 1 1/2% of the Missouri
taxable income
Over $1,000 but not over $2,000 ......... $15 plus 2% of excess over$1,000
Over $2,000 but not over $3,000 ......... $35 plus 2 1/2% of excess over$2,000
Over $3,000 but not over $4,000 ......... $60 plus 3% of excess over$3,000
Over $4,000 but not over $5,000 ......... $90 plus 3 1/2% of excess over$4,000
Over $5,000 but not over $6,000 ......... $125 plus 4% of excess over$5,000
Over $6,000 but not over $7,000 ......... $165 plus 4 1/2% of excess over$6,000
Over $7,000 but not over $8,000 ......... $210 plus 5% of excess over$7,000
Over $8,000 but not over $9,000 ......... $260 plus 5 1/2% of excess over$8,000
Over $9,000 ............................. $315 plus 6% of excess over$9,000
(L. 1972 S.B. 549)Effective 1-1-73