143.009. Effective date.
Effective date.
143.009. Sections 143.011 to 143.996 shall become effectiveon January 1, 1973; but it shall apply only with respect totaxable periods beginning on or after January 1, 1973. Therepeal of the provisions of chapter 143 shall become effectiveJanuary 1, 1973, but it shall not affect any taxable periodsbeginning before January 1, 1973, in any respect, including, butnot limited to, the determination of tax, interest, penalties,procedures, and periods of limitations. Notwithstanding thefirst and second sentences of this section, section 143.471,relating to electing small business corporations, shall apply tosuch corporations and their shareholders with regard to taxableperiods of such corporations ending on or after January 1, 1973.The preceding sentence shall not apply with regard to taxableperiods of electing small business corporations beginning beforeJanuary 1, 1973, if such corporation and all of its shareholderselect to that effect with the director of revenue on or beforeJanuary 1, 1973. Notwithstanding the first four sentences ofthis section, a taxpayer who has a fiscal period which includesparts of each of the years 1972 and 1973 may determine his taxand taxable income pursuant to the provisions of sections 143.011to 143.996 if he files an election to that effect with thedirector of revenue on or before the due date (includingextensions of time) of his return for the taxable period.
(L. 1972 S.B. 549)Effective 1-1-73