141.760. Administration of delinquent tax lands by trust (charter counties and certain first class counties).
Administration of delinquent tax lands by trust (charter countiesand certain first class counties).
141.760. It shall be the duty of such land trust to administer thetax delinquent lands, as follows:
(1) Such land trust shall immediately assume possession and controlof all real estate acquired by it under the provisions of sections 141.210to 141.810, cause the land commissioner to proceed to inventory such land,and thereafter keep and maintain a perpetual inventory of such real estate;
(2) It shall, upon recommendation of the land commissioner, classifysuch land as to its use, into the following three classifications:
(a) Suitable for private use;
(b) Suitable for public use;
(c) Not usable in its present condition or situation and held as apublic land reserve;
(3) Such land trust shall make every effort to return land inclassification (a) to such private ownership and use as soon as possible;to offer land classified in class (b) to any public body which shallindicate a need or a use therefor; the price and terms, in each case, to bein the sole discretion of the land trustees, subject to the provisions ofsubdivision (4) hereof; and shall study and make recommendations to taxingauthorities as to possible use of real estate classified in class (c). Infurtherance of this object such land trust shall have access to any and allrecords in any city or county office at any time and may call upon any andall city and county officers, departments, boards, planning commissions orother commissions for studies, statistics or recommendations. Such landtrust shall prepare a list of all land in class (a), which list shall becorrected and amended from time to time in the discretion of the trustees.Such trustees may make a charge, not to exceed the actual cost ofdocumentation and duplication, for each copy of such list which money shallbe used to help defray the costs of preparing such list. Any person maypurchase a copy of such list. Any real estate agent or broker licensed todo business in the county may when authorized by the trustees sell any suchproperty upon the terms and conditions imposed by the trustees, and thetrustees are authorized and empowered to pay reasonable real estatecommissions; and provided that nothing herein shall prohibit the trusteesfrom selling or exchanging any such real estate directly to or with anypurchaser;
(4) Such land trustees shall have power, and it shall be their duty,to manage, maintain, protect, rent, lease, repair, insure, alter, sell,trade, exchange or otherwise dispose of any such real estate, on such termsand conditions as may be determined in the sole discretion of the trustees.Said trustees may sell for cash or for terms of not less than ten percentcash at time of purchase, and the balance to be paid within not more thanfifteen years from the time of such purchasing agreement, with interest ata legal rate, which sale shall be represented by contract for a deed or bypurchaser's note, secured by mortgage or deed of trust on such real estate.Such land trustees may assemble tracts or parcels of real estate for publicparks or other public purposes and to such end may exchange parcels, andotherwise effectuate such purposes by agreement with any taxing authority;
(5) Such land trust shall adopt rules and regulations in harmony withsections 141.210 to 141.810, and shall keep records of all itstransactions, which records shall be open to inspection of any taxingauthority in the county at any time. There shall be an annual audit of theaffairs, accounts, expenses, and financial transactions of such land trustby certified public accountants as of December thirty-first of each year,which accountants shall be employed by the trustees on or before Novemberfirst of each year, and certified copies thereof shall be furnished to theappointing authorities described in section 141.720, and shall be availablefor public inspection at the offices of such appointing authorities.
(L. 1943 p. 1029 § 41, A.L. 2004 H.B. 975)