140.380. Redemption by drainage, levee or improvement district--procedure.
Redemption by drainage, levee or improvement district--procedure.
140.380. 1. Any drainage, levee or any other specialimprovement district having a lien on any land or lot, upon whichthere has been issued a certificate of purchase, may, ifauthorized by the law creating such drainage, levee or otherspecial improvement district, at any time within the period ofredemption applicable to any certificate of purchase, depositwith the collector the amount necessary to redeem such lands.
2. Upon any such deposit the collector shall give immediatenotice thereof to the holder of the certificate of purchase. Butno drainage, levee or any other special improvement districtshall foreclose its lien against any property sold under this lawuntil it has redeemed as provided herein. The holder of suchcertificate of purchase shall then surrender said certificate ofpurchase to the collector, who shall pay to the holder of thecertificate the money so deposited by such drainage, levee orother special improvement district.
3. In cases to which this section is applicable saidcertificate of purchase shall not be canceled but shall beconsidered as legally assigned to the drainage, levee or otherspecial improvement district making the deposit as herein setforth and shall be delivered by the collector to such district,noting thereon compliance with this section.
4. Any such certificate may then be redeemed as provided forin this chapter from any such drainage, levee or other specialimprovement district; if not redeemed, then any such drainage,levee, or other special improvement district shall be entitled toa collector's deed, in the same manner and under the sameconditions as provided for in this chapter as to other holders ofa certificate of purchase.
(RSMo 1939 § 11176)