140.340. Redemption, when--manner.
Redemption, when--manner.
140.340. 1. The owner or occupant of any land or lot sold for taxes,or any other persons having an interest therein, may redeem the same at anytime during the one year next ensuing, in the following manner: by payingto the county collector, for the use of the purchaser, his heirs orassigns, the full sum of the purchase money named in his certificate ofpurchase and all the cost of the sale together with interest at the ratespecified in such certificate, not to exceed ten percent annually, excepton a sum paid by a purchaser in excess of the delinquent taxes due pluscosts of the sale, no interest shall be owing on the excess amount, withall subsequent taxes which have been paid thereon by the purchaser, hisheirs or assigns, with interest at the rate of eight percent per annum onsuch taxes subsequently paid, and in addition thereto the person redeemingany land shall pay the costs incident to entry of recital of suchredemption.
2. Upon deposit with the county collector of the amount necessary toredeem as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the county collector tomail to the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, at the last post officeaddress if known, and if not known, then to the address of the purchaser asshown in the record of the certificate of purchase, notice of such depositfor redemption.
3. Such notice, given as herein provided, shall stop payment to thepurchaser, his heirs or assigns, of any further interest or penalty.
4. In case the party purchasing said land, his heirs or assigns,fails to take a tax deed for the land so purchased within six months afterthe expiration of the one year next following the date of sale, no interestshall be charged or collected from the redemptioner after that time.
(RSMo 1939 § 11145, A.L. 2003 S.B. 295, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1012)