140.190. Period of sale--manner of bids--prohibited sales--sale to nonresidents.
Period of sale--manner of bids--prohibited sales--sale tononresidents.
140.190. 1. On the day mentioned in the notice, the county collectorshall commence the sale of such lands, and shall continue the same from dayto day until each parcel assessed or belonging to each person assessedshall be sold as will pay the taxes, interest and charges thereon, orchargeable to such person in said county.
2. The person offering at said sale to pay the required sum for atract shall be considered the purchaser of such land; provided, no saleshall be made to any person who is currently delinquent on any tax paymentson any property, other than a delinquency on the property being offered forsale, and who does not sign an affidavit stating such at the time of sale.Failure to sign such affidavit as well as signing a false affidavit mayinvalidate such sale. No bid shall be received from any person not aresident of the state of Missouri until such person shall file with saidcollector an agreement in writing consenting to the jurisdiction of thecircuit court of the county in which such sale shall be made, and alsofiling with such collector an appointment of some citizen of said county asagent of said purchaser, and consenting that service of process on suchagent shall give such court jurisdiction to try and determine any suitgrowing out of or connected with such sale for taxes.
3. All such written consents to jurisdiction and selectiveappointments shall be preserved by the county collector and shall bebinding upon any person or corporation claiming under the person consentingto jurisdiction and making the appointment herein referred to; providedfurther, that in the event of the death, disability or refusal to act ofthe person appointed as agent of said nonresident purchaser the countyclerk shall become the appointee as agent of said nonresident purchaser.
(RSMo 1939 § 11127, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1469 merged with S.B. 914, A.L. 2003 S.B. 295)