139.280. Penalty for erroneously reporting lands delinquent.
Penalty for erroneously reporting lands delinquent.
139.280. Any collector of the public revenue for the state,or for any county or town, who fails to make a true return of alltaxes duly paid on any lands or other real estate to the properofficer, according to law, so that the real estate because of hisnegligence, delinquency or misconduct is advertised and sold asdelinquent lands shall forfeit to the innocent purchaser in goodfaith at the public sale of the lands, one hundred percentdamages in the sum so paid by the innocent purchaser to thecollector, and ten percent per annum interest thereon until theamount is paid to the purchaser, recoverable in any court havingcompetent jurisdiction.
(RSMo 1939 § 11111, A.L. 1959 H.B. 106)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9939; 1919 § 12931; 1909 § 11486